Go Figure

FIRST of all, I'd like to say that I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL and FANTASTIC thanksgiving! I actually got to enjoy it this year and it was very fulfilling. Haha.

I'm very irritable today, the main reason is because of this dumb person Im about to talk about. So, around the beginning of August, I had posted something on here called "FAKE FRIENDS". That very friend who I was talking about in that post hasn't spoken a word to me and I havn't spoken a word to her, either...Until today. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night and grabbed my phone and looked at my messages subconsciously, so I didn't realize anything at first. I got up around 8, checked my messages again and had a message from a phone number that wasn't logged into my contacts, but I knew who it was right away because of the area code. I looked closer to the number hoping it was just someone else, but it wasn't. It was just a forward for thanksgiving and what-not but it still made me mad. I didn't reply to it, because she was such a horrible friend, but I did unblock her on facebook so I could creep on her wall. I didn't think I'd be able to considering the fact that she had it set private, but she must have changed it. Im really mad that she thinks she can just do that. Slip those little kiss*** stuff in there to try and "ease" me into a friendship with her again. Because my aunt had posted a picture of me on her facebook and she liked it (the friend did, because she's friends with my aunt).

The second reason why I am irritable is because of my "oh so lovely" boyfriend. he lives in a different state then I am, because he had to move over the summer and is hopefully moving back after this year. IDK. But anyways, here he's griping about having to clean the house. Okay, no one likes to do that. Not so bad to be upset about. But then he goes and gets upset because he barely got any sleep. But he CHOOSES to stay up all night to play video games. Then he decides to sleep when everyone is over for thanksgivng when it's loud. NOW he's complaining about having to go black friday shopping. I personally, don't feel that it's a big deal and he probably just wants to play video games. Or maybe right now Im just being very crabby. I want to tell him to SUCK.IT.UP. But I wouldn't like it if he told me that, and I think it would be very mean, but I don't really know what to tell him. He's at his own fault because he's tired. But I don't want to tell him that either! lol.

But besides that my day was wonderful, and right after this I am going to make another post about what I am thankful for.
