
I have to rant a little to get something out of my system. As more days pass, the more I can't tolerate my boyfriend!!!! I care about him so much and what-not but I have my whole future planned out and here he is sitting around the house smoking cigarettes, playing video games, and gripes (<-- that was a replacement word) and moans about having to occasionally help around the house. While I'm over here busting my butt (<--- also a replacement word)at my job to save up for college and a car, to get amazing grades in school, and to just be flat out successful! Then he's talkin' about having a BABY with me. IM SIXTEEN! Just because he's seventeen and is going to graduate doesn't mean I am going to, too! On top of that, he wants to impregnate me and then go off into the army? OH HELL NO! I want to go through 8 years of college. I want to be a psychologist. And he wants to sit around and smoke his cigarettes and be on his MMO's and stuff (<---- another replacement word)

I WANT and I really really NEED to know how to go about this BS situation and how to tell him that things need to change and he needs to stop making excuses because if he really cares so much about me and wants to "marry me" (if it even lasts that long because I am SIXTEEN) then I'm not going to waste any of my time being with a guy who will end up JUST like my dad. Being on the computer all of the time, buying all these games systems instead of saving up money so he can see my sister and I, working at BK because he didn't go to college at all. IDEK if he finished highschool. And my boyfriend hasn't been in school for FOUR months. FOUR!!! He's gonna have to retake his senior year. If he even makes it that far! GAH!

I need some hardcore advice, guys. Is that being too hard on him? Am I just planning too far ahead (Or I should say "we")? Or am I right and I just need to kick his butt (<--- and once again, that's a replacement word) to the curb? Or should I talk to him? And if so what should I even say??? :S I need a second if not more opinions because NONE of my friends are willing to talk to me about it.
