I think I am going do the introduction page stating these things. But here in this post I am going to tell you all who read me rant and talk about my oh so "interesting" life why I post about it.

1) I love to hear other people's opinions. EVEN IF I don't like what they have to say or if I don't want to hear it ( this case... read it.)
It's nice for me to know what other people think about my situation(s) and their feedback so I can hear from people who I don't know. Who don't know me and can't really judge me. From people who I don't see everyday. And it helps that the people who actual take an interest in reading my posts actually care in a way? I guess I could say. You will read my posts and you will tell me what you think, what you honestly think. The people I talk to don't even think twice. They either tell me what I want to hear so I will go away or don't tell me anything at all.

2) It's nice having somewhere to write about my feelings and knowing that other people are seeing it. They might be able to help me and others who may be going through the same thing. Or if someone feels lonely or they feel the same way I do and they read my posts, maybe they won't feel so alone. I just like being able to get my feelings all out there and being able to get feedback and going back and reading what the predicaments or situations were and seeing how it's changed.

3) It helps me relax. Once I get a thought out somewhere, it will be less likely to bother me...and since no one wants to hear what i have to say, I can come here. And if people choose to read it then they can read it. IDC.

I had other reasons too but I am so tired that I can't think straight. That and my sister is in the bathroom screaming her made up songs on the top of her lungs while taking a bath (this is my 6 year old sister)
