Eventful Birthday Party

Last night I went to my friend's 16th birthday party (This is the friend I have been having a lot of problems with and I don't even find a point in calling her my best friend anymore). I spent the first half hour by myself (by choice) because I was trying to put gauges in and they were helping her sister get ready for her little middle school dance. Dinner came and I am not used to eating home cooked food as much anymore (because of work and missing my mom's cooking), so I had 3 helpings of lasagna. It was delicious! But then she went and said "oink oink" and I knew she was kidding but it wasn't okay. It really got me upset. So I told my boyfriend about it. And our conversation went like this:

"Yeah, but you still went over there.." - BF

"Wow. Thanks" - Me (because Im just trying to be a good friend. I know she hasn't treated me the best but I don't have it in me to just stop talking to her completely and especially not go to her 16th birthday party)

"What else can I say huh. You didn't listen to me. I tried to keep you from getting hurt by her. And look where you're at. I mean yeah, it's a b**** thing to do, but you let it happen. Sorry babe, that's just how I see it.And you're probably thinking 'wow what an a**hole', but ya know what, i'm not going to sugar coat that situation any longer. You're stronger than that cari. Don't take shit from anyone. You don't let that one guy do anything from your work, Kaylee is not better" (He just compared my friend to a pedophile in that last sentence) - BF

I didn't reply to him at ALL after that. Yes, I came by my own choice and I expected stuff to go down like that. I KNEW she was going to treat me like crap, but I don't have it in my heart to just not show up or just turn my back on her... I am just way too nice for that. And I WASNT asking him to stand up for me or anything, I just wanted someone to talk to. My mom didn't have her cell phone so I couldn't text her about it and I couldn't tweet about it or say anything either... I just wanted to be comforted. So when he said that I started bawling my eyes out. I went to call my mom but she was busy so I ended up just going downstairs with my friend's mom to talk to her.

I have decided that there is too many problems with my relationship with my boyfriend. He lives too far away, he's not starting school until january (appearantly), he fed me a huge lie Thursday night, and he said that and he was so mean about it. He's not nearly as serious about life as I am and Im ready to go go go and get things done and go to college and do good in school while he does nothing but sit around playing video games and smoking cigarettes. :/. So I am probably going to break up with him...but I am not going to talk to him at all for now. I am way too mad and waaay too upset.

I got cheered up because we all had a frosting fight! It was so much fun! I can try attatching a picture but everytime I try to it never works.

BUT anyways, I got it the least worse because I didn't join in right away but man, were we covered in frosting. After that we played Just Dance then ate ice cream and cake and she opened her presents then we played Never-Have-I-Ever and of course, I lost...right away. XD. But then my friend started making rude comments to not only me, but the friend that she likes a lot more than me, too. So me and her friend (Let's call my friend that has been rude Francis and her friend who just moved here and likes a lot more than me uuh Lora XD). Lora and I went to Walmart to get pixie sticks and we talked and we both feel about Francis saying those things to us. She may have been kidding, but it still hurt our feelings.

We came back and we ended up being downstairs by ourselves but Francis made us go upstairs and me and Lora ended up talking until 2 in the morning and bonded. I like her now. Before, I thought she hated me and was trying to take my best friend away but it's not like that at all. And she's really really nice.

I had a good time over all, though. :3
