Do Do Do Dododododo lol

Well as for the situation with my boyfriend, he and I are over. I broke up with him. What he did was unbelievably way too far. It was just so not okay. As for my friend, things are still a little shaky. She and I have this notebook and we write back and forth to eachother in it. She has the same for her other friend. Well just recently she and I became friends so now all 3 of us have notebooks together. I have one with Kaylee. She has one with Savannah. And Savannah and I have one now. I am really happy the 2 of us are friends. It almost seems as if Kaylee is uncomfortable with the idea, but it's not that big of a deal. All 3 of us can be friends. The only tough part about it is I don't know Savannah as WELL as Kaylee does. But that's okay. She can already trust me with stuff that she doesn't feel comfortable with telling Kaylee. Eventually, I think she will tell her. I enjoy having a friend like Savannah. She gets what I mean when I say Kaylee makes some harsh comments, even if she is joking. And it's nice that she can rely on me and I am able to talk to her to make her feel atleast a little better. I don't know how well I can rely on her, but that's okay. I can manage. I mean, I have made it this far, havn't I? I'm only a little psychotic. Haha. XD.

As of late I have been really busy. Too busy to get on the computer or pre-occupied with something else. I had to work Saturday and Monday. I spent Sunday relaxing and playing Animal Crossing. I have today and tomorrow off so I can try to catch up on sleep and hopefully start feeling more healthy. I have been playing Animal Crossing non-stop since I have got home and I am getting bored of it fast. Only because it's pissing me off that I can't get some of the damn fish. I have caught a lot already. And I am paying the last debt to Nook that you have to pay. Unless he makes you pay for the statue of your character that gets made in the end. NOT SURE. I have never actually caught all of the fish and bugs, collected all of the paintings and fossils, or anything like that. I played this in 5th grade and my mom and aunt took over a lot because they enjoyed it as much as I did and ended up doing everything for me. That's how Pokemon used to be, too. Haha. XD. But I can do this sh*t by myself now. XD.
