School Bleh

As much as I love school, lately it's been something I'd rather not do. I've been feeling so sick and exhausted! But I'm pushing through like a champ. Hahaha. My Geometry and Chemistry grades are getting better. I hope I can keep getting better, because I really can't fail those classes...haha. I don't work today, yet again. It's nice and it's going to suck going back because of being sick and all but I have no choice. It's not so bad, either. Right now I am trying to keep myself awake because if I fall asleep again like I did yesterday, I won't ever be able to sleep tonight. That's the worst part ever. I am debating whether I should go to church or not. I really rather stay at home then be lectured about going to hell and doing what's right and what-not. I could be here relaxing and playing Animal It's really foggy and icky outside, too...and I don't want to drive in the dark especially. GAH. lol. Well I am about to go put my size 2 gauge in. I have an 8 in right Wish me luck! XD
