The church started in the house of the pastor and his family and it soon got bigger and bigger. He has 2 daughters and a son. His daughter Jacinda was always really judgemental and stuck up so I never talked to her. But up until last year, when I started going to church again, she and I grew close. My cousin Josh moved here and fell for her on Easter. He looked at her and said that she was cute. Soon they began liking eachother, but everytime they got too close, she would back away and "break up" with him even though they weren't really official up until a month ago. Well, she has been cruel to him. I don't CARE what ANYONE says, she was being very cruel. She would ALWAYS get close to him then run away and just recently, she told her parents that he raped her. But they didn't have sex...he...ate her out. XD. Anyways, Her dad, the pastor, came to my cousin's house and told him he's not allowed in church anymore. WTF! HE CANT DO THAT OVER THAT! That's way too biased and if he's so holy and christian-like than he wouldn't have done that AT ALL. It really pisses me the fack off! It really does!! Things got better and they have been good between Jacinda and Josh but out of no where she breaks up with him again. Seriously breaks up with him because they were actually and officially in a relationship! Even though she broke up with him, they were his driveway yesterday in a van and they were both in the front seats, he wasn't doing anything and a neighbor walked by and she mouthed "help me" so he called the cops!!!!!!!!!! FOUR cops came by! Seriously! NOTHING HAPPENED! So I officially lost complete respect for her and that entire family. Im sick of it.
Not only do we have the crazy pastor's family, but we also have the PSYCHOTIC "super christian psycho" family. The woman, Chris. She has a daughter, her name is Tasha. Tasha is 19 or 20 and she's the most manipulative, 2 faced person I have EVER met in my entire life.! I gotta tell ya! And then Christ, she's almost as psycho. She told my THIRTEEN YEAR OLD SISTER that she was going to HELL because she was GAY. WHO THE FACK DOES THAT?! Seriously?!!! Gah it pisses me off. That whole entire family has a ton of issues, and Im not even going to bother going into details. But yes. this is the church my family attends and they get brainwashed and manipulated to believe a ton of this crap. Sorry christians, but I hate religion and I hate people who are like this, so Im not trying to offend anyone but the people who I am talking about. If you're a nice christian unlike these people, Im sorry.
OH and did I mention this is an Apostolic church/Pentacost? Yeah. -_-.