Day Before Valentines :O

Today seemed full of suspense being the day before Valentine's day. Intense excitement. For many reasons. My school does these things called "sing-o-grams" for Vday and the madricals (sp?) go around singing certain songs. I sent 2 of them to my sister! hahaha. I told her she needs to experience it. She's a freshman. Then I bought one for this one girl that decided to call my friend a mean name. XD. It shall be fun. Then I bought Kaylee and Hanna and myself (teehee) valentines suckers they hand out during homeroom (our 2nd hour class). I'm even moreso excited now because Brandon is planning to pick me up in the morning to take me to school. :3. How sweet! He's going to pick me up from school, too. :D. I'm also going to try and see if he can eat lunch with me (I don't really see why he wouldn't be able to). Otherwise Kaylee and I plan on leaving 6th hour to go with him and to hang out for the hour, because we totally can do that as Juniors and seniors at my school. I don't really know about other schools and I'm sure we're not the only school to do that haha but it's still awesome. I'm mostly just excited to see Brandon though. I'm always excited to see him. <3. Right now I have this splitting migraine and I am hoping it goes away when I sleep. Which is what I'm going to do now. Nighty-night friends <3
