Only the BEST Valentine's Day I've Had

Today was a super, fantastic, amazing day! Probably one of the best days spent with Brandon. He is so great <3. I can't even explain to you guys how amazing he makes me feel. Many others (many) have been in my life and made me feel "in love" and amazing, but not like this. Nothing has EVER felt this good in my entire life. It's just this amazing euphoria and greatness.
I had a terrible night of sleep last night, but in the morning Brandon picked me up to take me to school <3. Even though he never gets up that early, he did it for me! Not only that but on my 2 hours off, he came into my school and sat in the commons with me and Kaylee and sister. It was really great, even though some guy decided to call me a bitch. Nothing new, though. haha. After school we went to his house...had a little fun and cuddled and stuff. It was nice :3. Then we went out to eat and got a banana split. Hehe. Yummy! We went to my house after but then ended up leaving again only to go back to my house and then to leave once more! haha. We went for a drive because he had to take a friend home but it was fun. They were being silly and then the drive back I just sat there and held his hand. He's so great! Gaaah! And amazing. When we got back to my house he picked up one of my tapers for my ear and asked about gauging his ear. I laughed because it was a size 2 and that's large for someone who has like a 16g in. So I put my little taper in (size 6g) which worked. But then I had to show him something I discovered last night. If my ear is all soapy and wet (it's a 00g), I can stick half of my pinkie in it XD. I so badly want to go a size bigger, but I don't know if I should I really would like to.

All evening two things have been taking over my thoughts. One-how I'm going to make it so I can sleep over at Brandon's house this weekend, because I love sleeping with him. I love being in his arms and being right next to him so if anything goes wrong, he's right there. <3. The second thought is moving in with him when I turn 18. It's been a reoccuring thought for the past month, maybe a little less. At any rate, I want to so badly to be able to live with him, but we both need jobs. The problem is, I am super attatched to my family/mom. I don't know how on earth I could live without her. haha. She kinda keeps me together. As does Kaylee. I would be so lost without those two keeping me on track xD. I'm kind of a ditz. Not only that but I'm going to be 18 once September rolls around and I'll still be completing my senior year in highschool, so if I do in fact move out, I think I would wait until atleast January/the second semester to see how everything is going. I plan on taking some vigorous courses. It's going to be crazy, and I know it. And I am not a highly motivated gal! I'll tell you what! haha. I'm lazy as hell, but I know that I have the brains.

I hope you all had a very fantastic and enjoyable valentine's day.
