This morning I was up at 6 am. I'm an early riser. I have always been that way, though. This morning, I just got up extra early. I turned on Netflix to finally finish Ip Man. I first saw Ip Man 2 over in St. Louis this last summer, I never got to finish it though, because I was exhausted from such a long day there. I started watching Ip Man a few weeks ago, and decided I could finish it this morning. I am seriously loving this movie. It really has made me appreciate the chinese culture even more so. Although I can't say that this movie has made me appreciate the japanese culture just as much. It really gave me a different outlook on things. Being in AP European History, it has really showed how horrible we are to eachother just because one is different and believes different views. Don't get me wrong, I have always known this, but it's really showed through a lot more through the class. Even more so through this movie. It bothers me when I hear my sister or other friends say they hate a certain race because of what they are or what country they are from. Get a grip on reality, people. Many countries, not just us had done wrong to eachother. Seriously.
On another note once this movie is finished, which is pretty much over, I have to go clean some more. I would like to kiss some mega ass so I can go see Brandon, because my mom is not cooperative. x_x