So here is the 'after' picture
(read post below if you haven't already)
It did turn out horrid but there's nothing I can do now, and it looks plain because I haven't added a second color and it is driving me CRAZY because I cannot go without an unatural color for long, so hopefuly I will dye it soon.
I don't think I'm keeping my hair light for long, before school I might chop the long part off so it's layered at chin length and dye it black because I spent alot of money on neon yellow, green, black and white extensions that I want to wear. And I don't like being called 'blondie;. My summer school teacher asked me if my IQ dropped while I dyed my hair. =_= .
Speaking of summer school, I already told some of you this story, but the teacher was giving a presentation and something popped up on his screen and someone was like
"Hey, your thingy popped up!"
Being the pervert I am, I burst out lauging. XDD.
The worst thing was the teacher actualy got it.
This made me happy though, CD showed this to me, fast forward it to around 1:20
Reita, [noseband] I'm sure you all know but incase you don't, grabs Ruki's ass [white hat] so Ruki grabs his crotch. XDDDDDDD. Silly boys.
Hope you enjoyed that.
Vulgar Filth/Hearts