- Created By RikuLover1993
my DOG
lolz , i have a dog her name iz princess , shes a year old , i had her sentz a puppy ^^ she use to fallow me every where when she waz a pup lolz , but now if i let her out of the cage out side she runs straight for the door lolz she probly misses my room T.T lolz, but i can let her in there who knows what shell do to my kitten LOKI ... well heres a pic of her
-hope it shows-
MY EMOish heart
hey ... my heart waz brokin for awhile caz my BF may b leavin to a different state it hit me so hard ... i didn't know what to do so cryed but then it hit me
therez more boyz out there then him!! but he hazn't called me to break up with me yet ... so i don't know if i should just wait till he break it R acctacly answer hiz phone so i can break it with us , R just asome itz over and go out with another guy ... help me friendz plz need help here
oh i hope thiz showz
LOOK AT AT MY KITTY!! hiz name iz LOKI!! hez my baby i bottle fead him when he waz a baby baby lolz so cute i love my LOKI!!
Heyy ppl friendz^^...if yall have any videoz u like on youtube tell me if i like r feel itz cool funny ill be happy to add it kk^^
with LOV~
itz a video
yo i waz on youtube looking at videoz and seen thiz one itz funny to me ^^ hope u like and plz comment