
so I came to write some more cause I am really pissed off again its been a while but lately lots of things are going on I am taking the ged test next month I really can't wait to get it done and over with my dad is beinga total jackass saying he is going to kick me out and all this bs. But he has calmed down since I am taking the test. But He is pissing me off he spent all the money we got for new furniture on crap he wanted and. He is being a major jackass in just so many ways. My grandparents are pissing me off more than anything the are taking care of my nephew and he has to get his tonsils taking out, but first he has to lose weight he is 6 and weighs 100! I weigh only six more pounds then my nephew the only diffrence is I am healthy. But they are blaming my sister when they take care of him and feed him everyday while my sis is always at work. They even had the audacity to tell the docter its her fault when we all know its not they are just trying to protect there own asses just because they don't want to admit that they are the ones who are causing the problems. I know my sister she practically raised me and she is a great mother and I really hate when they say that type of bs. its just grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
