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Hello, and welcome to Yamcha's Anime universe! Some of you may know me from visiting my Myotaku page (username: Yamchaa), but if you havent visited or dont know me, then thats cool too lol. Im a big anime fan and ive been one for as long as i can remember. I collect anime movies, magazines, figures, all things related to anime, and im proud to say that i have a pretty hefty and diverse anime collecion which is usually constantly growing, and with this new world i hope to make new friends and spread my knowledge of anime to whoever may need it ^_^


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My Yamcha Past & Present World!!!!

My Original Myotaku Page!!!!

My Current Myotaku Page!!!!!

My Videogame World!!!!!!!

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Doomed Megalopolis Completed

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Doomed Megalopolis

I finally finished it lol. Yesterday morning when i woke up, I started watching the rest of this series while i cleaned out my closet, and i have to admit that i ended up enjoying Doomed Megalopolis quite a bit, especially the ending. I wouldnt reccomend it for younger viewers because it is very violent, and ver adult in nature - with violence, blod/gore, nudity and stuff like that, but it is one of the best Supernatural anime series that ive seen. (and ive seen quite a bit of anime lol). i wont explain details of the story and everything, because i dont want to ruin it for anyone who hasnt seen it, and may eventually want to, but the series itself takes place over the course of decades and the ongoing battle between a family and it's friends against a demon bent on using one of the chosen family members to revive a much more powerful demon. I personally liked some of the characters and im hoping to make some wallpapers for this series so that i can request a section for it here on Theotaku. Id say it deserves that much for sure :) In the meantime, if you like supernatural/horror anime, this is probably one of the best ones youll find and i reccomend it to anyone :)

While i was watching the series, i was also cleaning out my closet. The main reason for doing this was because there was an old bookshelf stashed in the back that i didnt have a use for when i had originally organized my closet. Plus, i had grown tired of seeing my anime magazines stacked on the floor out in the open lol. Those of you that know me, know that i like to have everything organized and stuff lol. Here is a pic of my Newtype USA, Shonen Jump, Raijin Comics manga, Shojo Beat, Anime Insider and DBZ Beckett magazines, stacked next to one of my anime collection shelves. Now they are back in my closet on the other bookshelf i was able to dig out :)

I was still organizing my closet by the time I had finished Doomed Megalopolis, so once i finished that, i just popped in my dvd of Princess Mononoke, which of course i am sure you all know how good that movie is lol.

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Princess Mononoke

About halfway through Princess Mononoke, i finally finished working on my closet, so i turned off the movie and browsed Theotaku a little bit before i finally went to sleep.

By the time i woke up last night to go to work, my sister wanted to go to the hospital because she had some kind of infection on a cut or something (nothing serious, she just wanted to make sure), so i called into work and took her up there and dropped her off with one of her friends. Then i came back home and started to watching disc 9 of my Thundercats box set. Im currently on the season 1 volume 2 box set. Ive always been a big fan of Thundercats, and ive really been enjoying seeing some of these episodes lol. some of them i remember watching from when they were originally shown on tv back in the day lol. After a few hours, i ended up picking my sister up from the hospital and i came back home and fell asleep watching one of the Thundercats episodes.

Wen i woke up this morning, i finished watching Disc 9 of the Thundercats, and now im about to start watching the anime series i own called Gatekeepers 21, which is only 2 discs long. Ive had these 2 discs for a few years and ive always wondered about it, so today is as good a day to find out i suppose lol. Ill be sure to keep you all updated on what i think about it as i watch it :)

Well i suppose that will be all for today's post, To end the post i thought id put up a scan of my Fatal Fury 2 Super Nintendo game package lol.

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Fatal Fury 2

While i was browsing my photobucket account, i came accross it and remembered that i had scanned it years ago lol. Its a cool piece of nostalgia for any fighting game/fatal fury fan lol.

Well, i thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the post :) I hope to chat with you all soon :(

stay strong,


Metro City - Safe Again

Hello everyone

I was sitting here bored out of my mind, so i thought id find some stuff to post about lol. I actually wasnt sure of what i wanted to post about, but earlier today some cool stuff happened, so i figured they were worthy of posting about :)

To star things off, Earlier this morning i woke up around 7am. I had managed to sleep most of yesterday (saturday) afternoon and all night, which is a rarity for me because i usually sleep for a few hours at a time. I must have been pretty tired from work friday night lol. When i woke up, the first thing i did was finish watching Die Hard: With A Vengance, which i had fallen asleep while watching the afternoon before lol. To take a step back, yesterday before i left work i bought Die Hard With a Vengance and Superman Returns on dvd :) Ive always been a big fan of the Die hard movies, i have the first 3 on vhs, and now i have all 4 of them on dvd as well, but i had not seen the newest Superman movie, so when i saw it at work for only 5$, i figured i would check it out. It was a pretty good movie, alot better than i expected it to be thats for sure.

Now back to this morning lol. After i finished watching Die Hard 3, i felt like playing Final Fight: Streetwise (an xbox game). So i got up and ordered 2 pizzas and started playing to pass time until the pizza got here. By the time the pizza guy got here, i had made it to the 3rd to last boss lol. A couple of them managed to be pretty difficult, but once i figured out their attack patterns, i was able to beat them pretty quick. Im also glad to say that i enjoyed the ending quite a bit. It kinda makes me want to play my copy of Final Fight 2 for Super Nintendo lol.

Here is a pic of my Final Fight: Streetwise game

A while after i beat the Final Fight game, I did some testing with my webcam and microphone to get it ready for my Kamehameha contest video enrty. What ill most likely end up doing is recording the video on my desktop computer, then save it on a disc, and then use that disc with my laptop and the wireless internet connection at work to upload it. Mostly because it would take forever for me to upload it on youtube with the dial up connection here at home lol. If i cant get it uploaded today, hopefully ill have it uploaded tommorrow :)

A couple of hours ago i also remembered that the celebrity chat session was today, so i dropped into the chats to ccheck it out. I managed to make it in there just before the last 2 questions were asked, and i stayed a little while after the guest left, but no one was interested in chatting with me, so i went on my way lol. So now im just sitting here posting lol. I'll admit that it does feel good to be posting on a regular basis again, and im also glad to say that the wallpapers i made a couple of days ago have been getting some good comments, which is always good, especially for me lol.

When im done posting, im probably going to finish watching Doomed Megalopolis. Im dead set on finishing all 4 episodes before the day is over, because i hate trying to remind myself that i need to finish it lol. Im going to post again when i finish it and let you all know what i think of it as a whole :)

I also need to get back into watching my season 1 dvd set of Rurouni Kenshin Season 1. Ive actually had this dvd set for a few years now, and ive already seen (and recorded) most of the episodes from Cartoon Network, but this dvd set has the orginal opening and ending sequences along with the original music, which is pretty cool. It's an enjoyable show thats for sure , and what is insane is that this little dvd set has 6 discs. When i first bought it a few years ago, i thought it would only have 2 or 3 discs, but i was pretty shocked when i opened it lol.

To finish up my post, i thought id post a pic of the very first Anime Insider magazine that i ever bought lol. Since i bought this magazine, ive basically bought every issue since. They are some pretty cool magazines and they have alot of useful information in them, especially for someone who may not know much about anime, or someone who wishes to know more as well :) So if you are looking for a good anime related magazine, Anime insider is one of the best ive seen to date, and the best part is that they are still in publication, I reccomend them to anyone :)

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Well, i guess that will be all for today, i thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the post :) I hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,
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Return To Glory

Hello everyone,

Im glad to be back posting a bit sooner than usual lol. i know lately i have been slacking off a bit, so its always good to get back into the groove of things, especially when it is posting about new stuff and experiences thats for sure :)

Here is a run-down of where i am at with the current anime i am watching -

Doomed Megalopolis: I am currently almost finished with the first disc. Ive come to realize that the "episodes" are a bit longer than i expected. Yesterday when i thought i was finished with the first disc, i was only finished with the first episode (there are 2 episodes on each disc).

Yesterday morning before leaving work, i bought an Asian Film called Ashes of Time: REDUX. The dvd cover looked very convincing, so i ended up buying it on a hunch that it would possibly be good.

Ashes of Time: REDUX

To be honest, this movie was really good. It wasnt your average Samurai or Kung Fu action epic, It was a movie about people and how their lives intertwine through one man, and how the time spent with him changes their directions and choices in life. Though it did have its own share of action, it was not the dominant part of the film. If you are a fan of such films as Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, or Curse of the Golden Flower, then you are sure to find worth in this film :)

The past few days i really havent been up to much, The weather has been drastic here, from cold in the mornings - to hot in the evenings, and i believe it has been affecting me and making me a bit more tired than usual lol.

After being lazy the past few days, Today i found myself itching to be creative for the first time in a while. When i got home from work this morning, i spent a little while in the chats, then i rested for a while and did some laundry. While i was waiting for my laundry to finish, I began messing around with my PhotoImpression program (what i use to make wallpapers). After messing around with some screenshots, i finally managed to get some things together into some pretty good pieces of work, especially since i hadnt created any wallpapers in a good while lol. After all, most of my good stuff is usually derived when im not really trying to create anything lol. Im honestly proud of these 2 wallpapers i made today though. They tooks some time and some new skills to create them and they are a bit different from my previous wallpapers :) Here are some thumbnails/links to them so you guys can check them out :)

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It was really fun to be able to create some AKIRA stuff, hopefully ill be able to use this creative boost to build on and create more stuff sometime soon thats for sure :)

Well, i hate to make this post so short today, but i better head to bed for work tonight lol, i thank you all for visiting and i hope you guys enjoy the post :)

i hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,


Yamcha In Paradise

Hello everyone,

This will be my 2nd go at this post, because after i had typed up a huge post earlier, i ended up deleting it on accident, so ill have to try to fit it all into this post but trying to remember everything i posted about lol.

To start things off, Ive made some changes to this world today, though they may not have taken effect yet, there should be a new background image and some font color alterations. Ive decided to keep the Blue/Black background colors , because the white backgrounds just seem too plain for me and it also tends to be a bit hard on the eyes in my opinion.

Im also planning on removing my anime Video collection list from the intro, because im sure people are getting tired of scrolling down so far in order to read a post, or leave a comment and such lol. I know it has been nagging me a bit, especially since i have dial-up lol. Ill be posting a link up to my profile on Myanimelist.net in my introduction to take its place, that way people can visit there if they wish to check out my collection, without having to scroll through the entire list just to get to my posts :)

Earlier i also changed the resolution on my computer monitor. When my other monitor burned up, I bought this one i am currently using. This monitor ended up being a bit larger, so the font and window sizes were a bit off from the monitor i had before. Lately ive noticed that the windows have been a bit larger and ive also noticed that they were so wide i couldnt even see the background image on my world. so earlier i changed them, so now i am able to see everything at a better size, and i can also see the background images on the worlds here, so its all good to go :)

Now onto the rest of the post,

I havent really been too busy since i last posted. Ive mostly just been playing videogames, chatting on theotaku chats, and being lazy lol. Ive recently been addicted to the xbox game Final Fight: Streetwise, which has been taking up most of my free time as of late. This past weekend, i spent most of saturday and sunday playing it, and while i was browsing through my Xbox games i came across one game i own called Shenmue 2. While i was looking in the case, i noticed that it had 2 discs, one for the game and the other for the movie. I watched part of the movie yesterday, and so far it has been quite enjoyable. I fell asleep while watching it yesterday, so im hoping to try and finish it sometime today :)

I havent watched much anime lately, but last week i did start watching my 2 disc anime dvd set of "Doomed Megalopolis". Its a pretty strange anime series/movie, very adult and violent in nature. Its kind of like a mixture of X: The Movie, and Blue Seed in a way. Ill try to finish that sometime soon as well.

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Doomed Megalopolis

I also need to get back to watching my Season 1 Volume 2 box set of Thundercats lol.

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Season 1 Volume 2 Thundercats Box set

Over the weekend, i also managed to chat with Bulma a little bit, which was fun because we hadnt chatted in a while, hopefully we will get the chance to chat more soon :)

Yesterday afternoon i got the chance to chat with Xaos for a couple of hours and i showed him my Xbox, Playstation,Gamecube and Playstation 2 games using the camera on my computer lol. We had a great time chatting about our experiences with some of the games and he also let me know that i had a rare copy of Dragonball GT Final Bout for PSone. Hopefully ill get the chance to show him the rest of my PS2 games sometime soon :)

Early yesterday morning while i was browsing the news here, i also noticed that Theotaku is holding a Kamehameha contest. When i read it, i knew i had to enter lol. Earlier today i made a Youtube account, so im hoping to have a video up by the end of the week. Im currently just working and planning out creative details, so be sure to keep your eyes open for it. After all, what would a kamehameha contest be without a Dragonball themed character like Yamcha? lol.

Other than all of that, ive also found myself reading some of my obsolete Newtype USA anime magazines. They are really fun to go through, because they all have so much information in them. Ive noticed that i missed alot of things in some magazines, so ive decided to go through each of the Newtype magazines that i own alot more thoroughly this time around :) Ill probably see if i can take pics of each magazine and post a little review about each issue and about what each one has inside. it's just an idea for now, but im hoping i can really make the time for it. Here is a scan of one of my Newtype USA magazines :)

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Well, i suppose that will be it for todays post, i thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the visit :) I hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,



Hello everyone,

It's been a good while since ive posted and i had the urge to post today, so here i am lol. The past week or so has been interesting i suppose, so hopefully you all will enjoy the post :)

Things have calmed down alot since my shelf disaster from my last post lol, and i havent had any other problems out of my other shelves, so things are looking good for the most part :)

Last friday night i ended up calling into work. First of all i woke up late, and when i woke up, i felt like i was wore out, so i decided it was best that i stayed home. I ended up sleeping all of friday night into early saturday morning (after i had already slept most of the day friday). Saturday i was feeling a bit better, so i went to Gamestop to look around and see if i could find anything i may like. I ended up buying a game called Final Fight: Streetwise for Xbox and another game called Time Crisis 3 for Playstation 2. Those of you who are fans of Street Fighter, may already know that the Final Fight games take place in the same universe as Street Fighter, which is what ive always enjoyed about them. So far Ive been really pleased with both games, even though my GUNCON 1 pistol controller isnt compatible with Time Crisis 3, it is still compatible with my copy of Time Crisis 2 on PS2 :)

After playing the games for a little while i spent the rest of saturday watching tv and being lazy lol.

Sunday i believe, i managed to get the chance to chat with Xaos for a while. We spent most of the night chatting about Final Fight and Street Fighter, while we downloaded SNES games. It was pretty fun, especially since we hadnt chatted in a while, I certainly hope to chat again soon thats for sure :) Sunday i also watched a few episodes from my Dragonball: volume 1 dvd. i got to episode 5 (Yamcha The Desert Bandit) before i stopped it and fell asleep on the floor in my room listening to a cd i have of a band called "The Doors" lol. Monday morning i took my laptop up to the Mcdonalds inside of the Wal Mart where i work, and used their Wireless internet to download those SNES games onto my laptop. It took me about 2 hours, but i managed to get quite a few on there. Hopefully ill be able to get a list of them on my next post for you guys to check out :)

I basically spent the rest of Yesterday sleeping since i had to work last night lol.

This morning when i got home from work, i played that Final Fight game a bit more, then i went back and forth into theotaku chats and commented on some peoples worlds, while eating in between lol. I just finished watching the final 3 episodes of the Cell Saga on my DBZ Season 6 box set. I mostly wanted to watch those episodes because i just loved how all of the Z Fighters that were left alive (Tien,Piccolo,Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Vegeta) gang attacked cell from all angles. It's probably my favorite moment of DBZ because the table had turned - Usually its the Super Saiyans saving the weaker fighters, but this time around , The weaker fighters came to the aid of Gohan. The picture at the top of the post is a screenshot from that episode lol.

as of late ive also been getting the urge to make wallpapers and stuff again, and ive also been planning on doing a FanWord pretty soon, im just hoping i can get it organized and thoughtful enough so that it will be published lol. My plan is for the fanword to be about Yamcha and some of the other secondary Dragonball characters, so im hoping it will turn out well :)

Well, i suppose that will be it for today's post, I think im going to go watch the anime series i have called "Doomed Megalopolis", It looks pretty strange, ill be sure to let you guys know what i think about it :)

I thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the post :) hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,
