My Wrestling Videogames - Part 1

hello everyone,

I was browsing through Youtube earlier and i came across some videoes of some older wrestling videogames that i happen to own, and so i came up with the idea to post pics and videos of them with a little description :)

Ill only post about the games i own - here are the games ill be posting about today :)

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WCW vs. The World

This game is pretty special to mebecause i have an immense history with it dating back to 1997 lol. A friend of mine had a cousin that lived with him and in 1997 he bought the original Playstation right when it was just hitting the stores here in the U.S. This game along with Tomb Raider were some of the first games he bought. pretty much every weekend my friend would invite me over to his house and the 4 of us (me, my friend, his brother, and his cousin) would take turns playing games, and that is when this game became legendary lol. My friend and i would wage war - I would use red & Yellow Hulk Hogan, and he would use Black & White Sting. We all revelled in the fact that this game was 3D and each wrestler had over 30 moves, along with multiple special moves in different situations, and at the time it was just the coolest thing we had ever seen or known lol. Well as the years went on, my friend's cousin upgraded to the Playstation 2 (i was still on the original Playstation lol) and one day while i was staying at my friend's house he offered to seel me this game for 10$ because he knew it would be taken care of and appreciated in my ownership. I bought this game that day and ive had it ever since, and it will always be one of my favorite games :)

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WCW Superbrawl Wrestling (SNES)

This game is pretty cool, I managed to buy this one at a pawn shop a few years ago for 6$ lol. I thought this game was pretty innovative because it had submission moves and special moves, plus you could get in and out of the ring and you could also do your special moves on the ground outside the ring lol. The only trouble i had with this game was that the controls are a bit hard to get use to. This game had alot of cool wrestlers in it though, and some cool special moves as well. it is certainly worth checking out for sure :)

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WWF WarZone

WWF Warzone was the first big wrestling game to come out that was really different and new and cutting edge (at the time). there were alot of different match types including the Weapons Match (my favorite), and plenty of wrestlers to choose from - each with signiature and finishing moves. This game even had entrances! :) This was also the first game that i saw that had the Create A Wrestler option, which was the greatest thing ever at the time LOL. This was a solid game that really got the wrestling videogame industry moving ahead back in 1998. I may have to play this one later today LOL.

Well, i think that will be all for today, i sure hope you enjoy the pics and videos, hope to chat soon :)

stay strong,

