Where Has Yamcha Been?

Hello everyone lol,

I noticed that i havent put up any decent anime related posts since last year, so i'm finally here to remedy that. In a way ive been busy and in a way, i havent. Lately the past month has been a drag, mostly due to the fact that my car isnt working lol. Im sure it can be fixed and i have the money to pay for it, ive just been waiting for my idiot step dad to come and look at it so he can tell me whats wrong so i can get it fixed, really simple right?

Well since i cant drive anywhere, (unless it is with my brother's car) ive just been sitting at home - playing videogames i never thought id play, and finally watching some of the anime dvds i own that i have never watched since buying them lol.

Here are some pics of some anime dvds that i have watched recently -

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Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time

Now ill be honest, I've grown out of Inuyasha - but after chatting with japan86 one night/early morning, i decided it was finally time to watch my copies of this movie and the 2nd one. To my surprise, i actually liked this movie. There were still some aspects of Inuyasha that i didnt care for, but as a stand alone movie it was better than i thought it would be, thats for sure lol. i had owned this movie for about 4 years before i finally watched it - how crazy is that? it is certainly worth buying though, since it should be drastically cheaper now, i paid 20$ for mine lol.

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Inuyasha The Movie 2: The Castle Beyond The Looking Glass

Since the first Inuyasha movie was enjoyable, i expected this one to be enjoyable too - but i was let down pretty quick lol. It's a decent movie, but it becomes pretty predictable, simply because i knew better than to beleive the opening 5 minutes of the movie lol, because naraku isnt just going to die that easily, thats for sure. This movie reminded me alot the anime "Blue Seed" though, with the plants and stuff like that. all in all, i felt this movie was ok, but it seemed like it was thrown together pretty quick and parts of it are pretty cliche'. Id say it's worth buying if you are an Inuyasha fan, but i would certainly not pay 20$ for it like it did lol.

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Rurouni Kenshin Season 1 Box Set

Ive had this box set for quite a few years, and a couple of weeks ago i pulled it out and started right back where i stopped watching it about 5 years ago lol. I still enjoy this series quite a bit and i felt kinda bad that i neglected this box set for so long. Im on the last of 6 discs and the episodes are getting better and better as they go on, not many series can boast that, for sure lol. I may have to make some RK wallpapers sometime soon as well, so be on the lookout for those in the future :)

Ive also bought some new anime dvds, and there is also 1 more anime movie that ive owned for years and fnally recently watched, and ill be posting those up in another post right after this post :)

Lately ive also been playing alot of XBOX, mostly WWE RAW 2, and ill be posting pics of that on my Videogame World, along with info and stuff, so be sure to check there as well :)

Today im probably going to clean my room up and play some more games, it's suppose to rain a bit more today, so im just going to stay inside and be lazy lol.

Well, i suppose that will be all for this post, ill be putting up the 2nd half post in a little while, so be sure to check back :)

hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

