My Studio Ghibli movies, and new dvds

Hello everyone,

Im sorry i didnt post yesterday lol, When i got home from work i pretty much fell asleep immediately and ended up sleeping all day lol. I woke up later in the evening though and was able to make it into the chat for a while, so i didnt sleep my entire day off from work away lol.

Yesterday before i left work, I did buy the anime movie Ponyo though, and when i woke up later yesterday i took the time to watch it.

To be totally honest, i really expected it to be too childish for my taste, but i always buy the Studio Ghibli movies anyways - with or without a review or prior knowledge of them. Like i said in chat last night :

I havent seen a bad Studio Ghibli film yet :)

As for Ponyo, it was a really good movie. The animation was clear and awesome, the story progressed nicely and it was just fun to watch. It had equal amounts of each emotion presented throughout the entire film, just like any other Miyazaki film and would certainly reccomend it to anyone, even if they were not an anime fan :)

Here is a pic of all my Studio Ghibli movies (except "Grave of the Fireflies", i couldnt find the tape i recorded it on)

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I dont have them stacked in any type of order, i simply couldnt choose which of them i liked the best either, though Castle in the Sky is one of my favorite anime films, id like to beleive that the Studio Ghibli Films are all on an equal plane of greatness.

As for new anime dvds, a few days go i bought the Dragonball Season 2 DVD Box Set and today i spent most of the night watching episodes on it lol. This box set basically covers the Red Ribbon Army saga and it has been enjoyable to watch these episodes again, especially after recording them so many years ago lol. ill be watching this box set some more throughout the day for sure :)

Here is a pic :)

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Well, i suppose that will be all for today, i may post some more stuff up later today though, so be sure to check back :)

stay strong,

