25 years of Decimation

Hello everyone :)

Its good to be posting again, thats for sure. I know its been a couple days since ive posted, but i think ive managed to fight off the laziness this morning, probably because i turned 25 today lol. I woke up this morning around 3am, and pretty much immediately started working of some wallpapers, here are some links to them :)

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They were all fun to make, i think my favorite out of the three has to be the Outlaw Star wallpaper, i think the colors just turned out really well. Plus its always fun to make Yamcha wallpapers lol, I figure i have to keep up with all the Super Saiyan wallpapers out there because everyone knows there are tons of those, so i mostly try to make wallpapers of characters that people tend to overlook in Dragonball. Im planning on making some Tien and Krillin wallpapers to upload tommorrow, im still thinking of what the 3rd wallpaper should be. Im sure ill come up with something lol.Ive been planning on making a Tien/Yamcha combination wallpaper, so that will probably be the third wallpaper tommorrow, we'll see.

Yesterday I tried to stay busy, I watched volumes 2 and 3 of the anime series Initial D, I also made a wallpaper for that series, but it didnt turn out too well so i didnt upload it. Ill probably try to work on it a bit more and see what i can do, ill probably eventually end up uploading it anyways, id hate to do all that work and end up not uploading it. I love the actual Initial D series though, its one of my favorites that i own, i certaily hope to eventually own the entire series though instead of just 2 dvds thats for sure lol.

Yesterday i also took the time to watch a couple "Robotech" dvds that i own. I own volumes 9, 10, 13, and 14 and i also own the Extra discs labeled E1,E2, and E4. the Extras discs have typical extras like character models, international clips/promos, toy commercials, comic book gallery pics, animation sheets and featurettes regarding different things throughout the series. though i didnt care too much for the episodes (the dubbing wasnt all that great), it was still fun to watch something different. It kinda reminded me of the original Gundam,I liked some aspects and characters in the episodes, but i think Macross Plus set the bar pretty high for me and i consider Macross Plus and Macross 2: Lovers Again (a movie) to be my favorites out of the Robotech/Macross universe.

A Few days ago i also watched Macross Plus, which, i own the version that is cut into 4 episodes. Its one of my favorite animes of all time. Yoko Kanno did the muisc and Shinichiro Watanabe co-directed it. those of you who pay attention to the director,/musician stuff - Shinichiro Watanabe went on to do Cowboy Bebop, and Yoko Kanno went on to do the music for Cowboy Bebop ( and many other great anime projects as well), and when you watch Macross Plus you can compare it to Cowboy Bebop in many ways - visually and musically.

Thats pretty much what ive been up to the past few days, other than watching ESPN lol. Ive been trying to keep up with the Brett Favre situation and i was glad to hear that he finally got traded, now it wont be monopolizing ESPN and Sportscenter, and i wont have to sit around and wait for updates on whether he was going to stay or get traded lol.

today im thinking about playing the UFC game i have for ps2, and i may play some DBZ Tenkaichi Budokai as well. Its bee a year or so since ive played it so im looking forward to doing some fun stuff and destroying some things. Its due time for someone to get the Wolf Fang Fist ^^

Well i suppose that will be it for today, I thank you all for visiting and i hope you all enjoy the wallpapers, if you have any questions or suggestions, im always here and willing to listen :) i hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong and thank you all for the birthday wishes
(especially Bulma for the card ^^)

