Tonight You Belong To Me

Helloe everyone,

I hadnt fallen asleep yet so i thought id put up a post for you guys while i was still awake :) I havent been up to much this week, ive mostly been working and sleeping lol. This morning before i came home from work, i bought alot of stuff for my future visit to the Texas Renaisance Festival which i will be attending on Otober 10th.

Its a pretty fun place to spend a weekend, the thursday of that week ill be driving 3 hours to my friend's house to meet up with him and get everything for the stay. We (along with thousands of other people) will be camping out on the actual grounds of the festival itself, so im looking forward to building a fire and camping out the 4 days that we will be there. The festival itself opens up early in the morning, so thats when we will be allowed into the actual festivalgrounds where the shops, etc, stuff like that are, and pretty much everyone will be cosplaying in their medieval style clothes or any other type of costume they may have lol. Last year i didnt have a costume on the first day and i had to deal with being an "Outsider" lol. I wasnt treated too well because i guess that since i didnt have a costume the people didnt feel that i was taking the experience seriously. So before the first day had ended, i bought some simple medieval pants and a simple medieval shirt (kinda like a poet's shirt) lol. I also won a huge sword on the first day at a auction one the pirate side of the festival. The size of this sword is unreal, its basically a buster sword, thats the only thing i can really compare it to, ill have to take some pics for you guys lol.

Last year when i made it back home i told myself that i would be prepared the next time i went, and this morning i took further steps to the completion of my costume :)

I bought:

A set of footbal shoulder pads (they will be the basis of the armor i am currently making)
alot of bolts, hooks and chains ( to place in certain areas on my finished costume for effects)
Months ago i had bought some black Underarmour tights and some big black knee high boots, as well as some black knee/shin/foot combo guards that Major League Baseball Catchers wear to protect them from pitchers. Those will be my leg armor (they look exactly like medieval armor lol)

I also bought a Crimson colored sheet this morning which will eventually become the cape i will wear.

In the end, it will look very similar to the costume Gene Simmons wears in the band KISS (the pic at the top of the post) but with my own twist. Im currently in the process of adding spikes to the football pads, and ill have to find something to use for chest/stomach armor and something to put on my arms, which wont be hard at all. Tommorrow ill be stopping by the sports store again to look for arm guards and stuff like that, im sure ill find somethin i can use :) The main portion of the costume is completed though, The finishing touches will be the face paint ill be wearing with will be in the style of Paul Stanley's KISS makeup (ill post pics of his paint tommorrow :)) so im hoping to make a big splash of a scene at this years festival to make up for last year lol.

Right now im watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The secret of the ooze I bought the first TMNT movie last night at work when i was on lunch, it was great to watch the movie in dvd quality, ive only had the vhs copy for the past 20 years lol.

Well im getting pretty sleepy so i better wrap this up lol, i thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the post, hopefully i can get pics of my unfinished costume up tommorrow for you guys to critique lol.

I hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

