Yamcha vs. The Hurricane

Hello everyone :)

im sorry its been a few days since i posted, and it looks like i may not be able to post, or create wallpapers over the weekend (as i normally do) because of Hurricane "Ike" i believe is "his" name. There isnt any evacuation orders or anything like that for where i live, I live pretty far inland near the Dallas area, so we will mostly be getting high winds and rain, etc. Ill be packing up my computer in an hour or so and going over to my mother's house , because she wants me, my step brother and sister to stay the weekend over there with the bad weather and all, so dont get the idea that im staying over there because i have to, or its because of safety regulations lol. Im just taking my computer over there in case some freak accident happens to this house with all the high winds, like falling trees or damage, stuff like that. She has DSL over there, so i may see if i can get it to work on my computer while im there. The weather shouldnt be too bad though, so dont worry, i just wanted to post so you all wouldnt think anything happened to me :)

Other than that i havent been up to much, That hurriane is the only thing anyone on tv and/or up at work has been talking about all week, so its pretty aggravating at times watching everyone freak out freak out over the situation. If you are wondering why im not all too worried its because that a couple years ago when the hurricane flooded Louisiana, it came through here just like that one did. I got home from work that same morning, and laid down on the couch and watched "Ong Bak The Thai Warrior"in which i fell asleep about 20 minutes into lol. I ended up sleeping on the couch through the entire hurricane ordeal until i woke up at exactly midnight. everything was calm and i told myself "that wasnt bad at all". A tree fell in the back yard, but thats normal when you live by woods and the power was out for about an hour, but nothing major, no flooding, no riots, or anything of that nature. Maybe im just laid back when it comes to that stuff, dont get me wrong, im always prepared, i just dont tend to exxaggerate the situation like others do :) Ill probably just spend the weenend playing videogames and stuff at my moms house until the weather calms down :)

Well, i hate to go so suddenly, but i hope to have another post up in the next couple of days to let you know how everything is, I thank you all for visiting and i hope to chat with you all real soon :)

stay strong,

