Survival and 700 Visits

700 Visits :)

Hello everyone,

Well first of all im glad to say that im still alive and that im back home :) Im also glad to say that the weather wasnt anywhere near as bad as everyone had anticipated (just as i figured), just high winds and alot of rain here. Work friday night was pretty rough, there were alot of frantic people everywhere buying all sorts of stuff, which is sad because about 85% of them probably didnt even use it. When i got off work i went to my mom's house and on the way there it started raining and the winds picked up, nothing major though. When i got there, i hadnt been there 20 minutes and the power went out lol. So that rendered my computer and some other electical stuff i had brough useless, so i ended up falling asleep sitting in a chair. I woke up off and on a few times and around 7pm yesterday (saturday) i came home. Oddly there was still power here and it hadnt gone off all day because my radio's time hadnt been reset. I unloaded my computer from my car and set everything up and connected all my stuff, then i watched tv for a little bit.

After watching tv i played a couple new games that i had bought a few days ago -

Robotech Invasion (xbox)
Metal Slug 4 and 5 collection (xbox)
Eternal Ring (ps2)

I also played ESPN NFL 2K5 (xbox), ive owned that game for a while though, Ill post about the 3 new games on my videogame world shortly after i finish this post :)

Since ive been home, ive been wanting to watch Ghost in the Shell (the first movie). Im not sure why though lol, I do want to make some wallpapers for that movie, so i may give it a try in a little while. Its been a few days since ive created anything so im due up for making something, thats for sure, plus it looks like they need me to request the additions to some new wallpaper/multimedia sections. they usually add about 30-35 sections everytime they update, i think they added 27 this week, so it looks like i should get to work and do something produstive :) Ill start with Ghost in the Shell, and i just remembered that i need to make a wallpaper for Lupin, since ive already made one each for Jigen and Goemon, its only fitting that i make one for him right? lol.

Here is a list of some anime wallpapers ive been thinking about making, you guys can tell me which you would like to see, that way ill have some initiative to making some :)

Samurai X / Rurouni Kenshin

Blue Seed - this is one i keep forgetting to make a wallpaper for lol
Samurai Champloo
Night Warriors: Darkstalker's Revenge
Trinity Blood
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight

Thats just to name a few, I know id have fun making wallpapers for some or all of them lol, so feel free to give me your thoughts as to which ones you would be interested in seeing first :)

Also, when i post on my other world, it will be the first time ive posted on there in a while lol. I may do some updating on there today, maybe a typed list of every videogame i own divided for each system. That would be time consuming, yet fun and unconventional. I like doing things that other people havent done before, so i just may do that. I'll work on this stuff for as long as i can stay awake today :) If any of you have any suggestions on some cool stuff youd like to see me post about, whether its anime, videogames, feel free to let me know. im always up for having something to work on, so send any ideas you may come up with :)

Well, i hate to end this post, but i think im gonna get to work on some of this wallpaper stuff ^_^ I thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the post. I hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

