Yamcha Beyond Thunderdome

"When it's every man for himself............and there's no place left to run.....when all that's left is one last chance......pray that he's still out there - somewhere....."

Hello everyone,

It's good to finally post again, especially after being lazy the past few days lol. Saddly I dont really have anything interesting to post about, well anything that you all may be interested in hearing about anyways lol. Well some of you who are familar with older movies, and/or bigtime movie fans might find something interesting, who knows :)

This past week ive mostly just been working and then coming home and sleeping. there have been a couple of days where i caught up on some movies that i bought over the weekend. Over the weekend i got the chance to watch the copy of "The Breakfast Club" that i bought sometime last week. It was enjoyable, especially since i had only seen it on cable, so getting the chance to watch it uncut on dvd was pretty fun lol. Last week i also bought the movie "Wierd Science", which is one of my favorite movies of all time lol. I use to watch it when i was really young when it was shown on the cable channel "TBS". I use to watch that movie and wish it would happen to me lol. Oddly enough, the past couple of years ive found myself exactly in the same situation, except this woman wasnt computer created lol. Anyways, I considered myself lucky because i grabbed the last copies of each of these movies before i left work that day, and it felt really good to relive old memories and realize new goals and thoughts about the future :)

Tuesday while i was looking through movies on my shelf to find something to watch, i came across my vhs copy of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. It had been a year or so since i had watched it , plus i wanted to try out the old tape on my new vcr to see how it played. Im glad to say that it played great. Ive always really liked that movie, Im not sure why - maybe its just the thought of living in a post-apocalyptic world that intrigues me. I remember when i was younger i use to think to myself, "Id feel right at home in a place like that", probably because im a survivor and i have a strong survival instinct, as well as an incredible amount of luck lol. Plus I always believed that everyone in a world like that is equal. Money is useless in a world like that, so everyone is financially on a leveled playing feild. Everything is up to the imagination, always excitement and the unknown right around the corner. Maybe thats why i always enjoyed it - The adventure. Anyways, it's one of my favorite movies as well, I wont go into detail about it or the ending because i wouldnt want to ruin it for anyone who may not have seen it, but i always felt that i would be a cool anime movie as well lol.

Right now I'm eating some chocolate Ice cream and i just finished watching "The Road Warrior" or "Mad Max 2".

Those of you who may not know, here are the order of the Mad Max films:

Mad Max
The Road Warrior
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome

As i was saying, I just finished watching The Road Warrior, and i got the feeling that i wanted to put up a post lol, so here i am :) I had a great time watching The Road Warrior, especially with surround sound, which i had never done up until today lol. It's undoubtedley the most violent of the 3 movies, but each of them has their own thing that i like about them, Mostly because of Mel Gibson (the main actor)lol. Im such a big fan of movies that he is in, when i was younger i use to watch the movie "Lethal Weapon" every weekend lol. I know it sounds crazy, but i think everyone has a movie that they watch alot more than normal. I have a few, thats for sure lol. Overall, I think i like the Mad Max movies mostly because somewhere along every adventure, with the exception of the first one, Max finds a way to help someone or a group of people, directly or indirectly. I guess its a sign that shows that no matter how bitter he is about his losses or his life or the situation the world is in - there is still some humanity left in him to do something good, as if he has come to peace with himself in a way even though the world is crumbling around him.

Other than that, i havent been up to much. Ive been tryng to catch up on sleep the past few days since i really havent had anything to do. Heck, i even pulled out my Nintendo 64 monday and played a couple of games lol, thats pretty old-school right there :) lol. I'll have to see if i can get some pics of me playing it sometimes soon lol.

Well, i hate to go, but i gotta head to bed to get some rest for work tonight, I just thought id put up a post real quick and let you all know that i havent dissappeared or anything lol. I thank you all for visiting and i hope to chat with you all sometime soon :)

stay strong,

