Electronical Domination

This is a portrait of the Conan the Barbarian movie poster that i bought while at a movie store a few months ago. My webcam sucks but im sure you can see the general outline of the picture lol, tis one of my favorites so i thought id post it up lol.

Hello everyone, It looks like im back with another post lol. Im really glad the weekend is here, this past week seemed to drag on at work, so im glad its over thats for sure lol. I stayed home from work last night because i didnt feel right when i woke up yesterday afternoon. I was drowsy as if i had taken some medicine or something, but i hadnt taken anything so i decided to stay home. I wouldnt have been able to drive very well, so it was the safest bet to just call in and stay home. I didnt do much last night, I watched a couple of fights on the UFC Fight Night that was showing last night and I played WWF No Mercy on Nintendo 64 for a little bit before i got tired and went back to sleep lol. I woke up around 5am this morning and cleaned around my room a little bit, then i started working on my Videogame World :)

I took the time to add the lists of my Nintendo 64 games, my NES games and My SNES games on the Introduction of my Videogame world, so if you are interested or curious as to which games i own, you can find a list of them there. Feel free to send me any questions you may have and ill happily help you out with anything i can :) I hope you enjoy , its a blast from the past lol.

It took me about an hour or so to list the games for those systems, and while i was typing them out id occasionally hook up the system they were for and play them for a little bit lol. I played a little bit of StarFox 64, Castlevania for N64, and F-ZERO 64 and The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of time. As of late ive been having quite a bit of fun playing my Nintendo 64. The gameplay on alot of the games are pretty fun and easy to catch onto. Lately ive been spending most of my time editing and updating the wrestler roster on WWF No Mercy, to give it a modern feel for when me and my co-worker play it at work, so it's been giving me something spend my time and escape boredom thats for sure lol.

Other than that i havent been up to much, besides taking it easy. Yesterday while i was cleaning, I took the time to watch Ninja Scroll. I ended up laying down and falling alseep before it was totally finished, so ill finish watching it today :) I really enjoyed it this time around, I remember the last time i watched it ( a few years ago when i first bought it), I didnt really understand alot about it, mainly because i didnt pay enough attention to the talking and interaction between the characters. I got a full understanding of the movie yesterday though, so ill probably be watching Ninja Ressurection (the sequel) later today to see how they fit together. Right now im watching Lethal Weapon 4, its been a while since ive watched it so i thought that since ive been watching Mel Gibson movies the past few days, why not stop? lol.

Well i suppose that will be all for today, I thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the post :) Be sure to visit my videogame world and check out my videogame lists in the introduction :) I hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

