Ending the Adventure

Hello everyone,

It looks like im back with another post lol. That's three days in a row, it seems that im on a roll lol.

I havent got much to post about, I had a pretty good time this weekend, I got back into the trend of making some wallpapers this morning, since i had kinda been slacking off in that department. Yesterday evening after i finished cleaning around in here (my room), I got back into watching Blue Seed(an anime series). Last night i managed to watch about 3 episodes before i fell asleep lol. Which leaves me at episode 19 (which i am watching right now). One more episode and ill be on disc 4 (the final disc), and ill have 6 more episodes to watch until the end of the series. As you all might now, im not too keen on finishing series, I never liked it when the story came to an end. I first realized this when i had to watch the end of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, due to the fact that i was recording each episode and i couldnt just stop because i didnt want to see the end. I didnt like watching the end of Dragonball, Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT. Strangely, I did enjoy watching the end of Cowboy Bebop, probably because it was so poetic and ironic towards the end. Reminded me of the old action movies of the 80's in a way.

Earlier today I pulled out my collectors edition of Final Fantasy 12, to use the Bonus disc to get some screenshots from some of the older Final Fantasy games to possibly use for constructing future wallpapers, and while i was watching the "History of Final Fantasy", I couldnt help but feel bad: Simply because i had so many RPG games i hadnt finished yet, whether it was due to laziness or etc.

Here is a list of RPG games i havent finished.

Breath of Fire 4
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 8
Dragon Quest 8
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
Vagrant Story
Final Fantasy Origins (FF1 & 2)
Suikoden Tactics
MS Saga: a New Dawn
Wild Arms 3
Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask

Tales of Symphonia

There are some other RPG games that i own that i havent even started yet, but those are the ones that im halfway through, or further. I feel kinda bad about having all these games, and i dont finish some of them. Watching "The History of Final Fantasy" kinda got me in the mood to try and finish these games. Im sure id have alot more fun, rather than sitting here being bored all the time lol. Not to mention that i would have some new and different stuff to post about for you guys. So it's time to jump back into an adventure and see if i still got it :) Ill have to see which game ill start with before i go to sleep later on today. If you have any suggestions as to which game on the list i should start with, feel free to let me know :)

Also, yesterday i had the privelidge of visiting Ryosuke Forever's world and seeing the pics of his new Rhaxephon box set, which in turn inspired me to post a pic of my box sets. I dont think i had ever done it before, so it seemed like a cool idea :) so here it is :)

Here is a list of the box sets from top left - to right
DBZ season 1 box set
DBZ season 2 box set
DBZ season 4 box set
DBZ season 5 box set
Street Fighter 2V complete series box set
Rurouni Kenshin Season 1 box set
Voltron: Blue Lion Metal box set
Ninja Scroll entire series box set
DBZ season 6 box set
Home Movie season 1 box set
Blue Seed entire series box set
Evangelion slim pack entire series box set
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight entire series box set
GANTZ slim pack season 1 box set
Thundercats season 1 volume 2 box set
Thundercats season 1 volume 1 box set
Thundercats season 2 volume 1 box set
Gatchaman season 1 box set
The original Transformers season 1 box set
The Transformers season 3 part 1 box set
GIJOE Original 2 part mini-series (A Real American Hero) and (The Revenge of Cobra) box set
Masters of the Universe (the original) season 1 box set

I think thats all of the box sets, unless i overlooked any on my shelves :)

This morning when i woke up i watched some of the episodes on the GIJOE box set i have, which inspired me to make some GIJOE wallpapers, once i found out it didnt have a section here on Theotaku. here are some clips of the 2 i made :)

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They were pretty fun to make, and i hope to make some more GIJOE related wallpapers in the future :)

Well, i suppose that will be all for today, it was fun to get a post up and i thank you all for visiting :) I hope you all enjoy the post, and i hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

