Journey's End Before it Began

Hello everyone,

It looks like im back with yet another post. This one may not be so enjoyable though, as others have, youll find out why.

It looks like my planned vacationto the Texas Rennaisance Festival will be called off this year, due to a manager at work rejecting my input of 3 days off from October 7th-10th (plus i have weekends off, so its 5 days total). A culmination of a years wait has been flushed down the hole, so ive been a bitter man for the past couple of days. The whole 5 years ive been working there, ive never had requested days off rejected before. It makes me wonder if one or some of the managers have something against me in some way. Ive been out of my mind thinking about it, I just dont know. Id say the worst part about not going is the costume ive been working on. all the hard work has pretty much been negated, and it looks like it will be sitting in my closet for yet another year, and on top of that - my friend that has been waiting a year for me to visit him, will not get his chance to hang out.

So for the most part, ive been miserable to pretty much everyone at work, until i figure out whats going on behind the scenes up there. I probably wont get any information until tommorrow night (thursday night) , when the manager that has known me for a while will be back from her days off. She knows im a good worker and she is always honest to me, so im sure she will be bale to shed some light on the whole situation. Maybe ill be able to cut a deal or work something out in some way to get the days off or something, ill have to see what i can do.

Now on to something less aggravating.

Monday evening i finished the 3rd disc of Blue Seed. I cant remember if i posted about it or not. It is actually getting better and better as the series goes on, and it's also getting a bit more Evangelion-esque, which i didnt think was capable. Ive also started to notice that the music in Blue Seed is really good. This comes to a suprise due to the fact that im pretty picky when it comes to music in anime and normal movies for that matter. Surprisingly, ive also started to really like one of the characters in the series too, He's the boss of the main characters' company and leader of their group. They call him "Mr. Kunakida", ill see if i can add a pic in here before i finish the post lol. needless tosay, i only have 6 episodes left of the series, so ill be trying to enjoy all that i can before it ends. Ive really enjoyed it so far, and honestly, it has grown on me a bit, which in the beginning i didnt think id get into it very much. Goes to show how some anime can be i guess lol. here is a pic of Mr. Kunakida

Yesterday when i got home from work, i was still mad about my vacation days being rejected, so i really wasnt in the mood to do much of anything. i just sat here in my chair and tried to think of something to do that would take my mind off of work and being mad. I looked up some anime dvds i had that i hadnt watchedyet, on the website, and while i was looking through my dvds, i came across my 3 dvds of Ah My Goddess. Believe it or not, ive had these dvds for about 3 years and i have never watched them, they hadnt even been opened yet, but i felt the urge to start watching it, so i opened up volume 1 and started watching it. I just laid in my bed and i got to the middle of episode 3 before i fell asleep. The guy in that series does have some bad luck, and i actually liked the episodes that i watched so far. I also saw some characters that i really liked - the 2 guys that are in the same college mechanics club as the main character. I just really liked how one of the guys talked, he pretty much yells everything, which was pretty funny, reminded me of Zenigata (good old pops) from Lupin the 3rd lol, always yelling all the time. Im sure ill be watching this series a bit more once i get finished with Blue Seed.

While i was going through my dvds i also got the urge to watch my Gatchaman box set, and Voltron Box set, but i have a feeling that when i finish Blue Seed, the next that will be in line to watch is probably my remastered Slim Pack Box set of Neon Genesis Evangelion along with the two movies. It's taken me a while to get fully prepared to watch that series and especially the movies, ever since my altercation with "The End of Evangelion" movie a couple years ago. Those of you who may not know what happened - well it was almost 3 years ago when i bought both Evangelion moves at Gamestop one night before i went to work. When i went on lunch that night, i started watching End of Evangelion. Keep in mind that i hadnt even watched any of the series before this moment, even though i had bought each volume seperately at Gamestop months prior. I hadnt bought the Slim Pack box set version yet, that would come about a year later. Sadly to say, the movie blew my mind. Sitting there in the breakroom, watching it on my portable screen with headphones, i felt helpless for the 2nd time in my anime life lol. (the first time came when i recorded the anime movie "Mobile Suit Gundam : Char's Counterattack" on Adult swim a few years ago. I felt so strange after i watched that movie). And those who know me, know that im always prepared, nothing catches me off guard, but that day i just wasnt prepared for that movie. The only thing i can say to describe it, was that the End of Evangelion movie made me feel small, very small. Insignificant compared to trials that those characters had to go through.

i watched the movie for about 15 minutes then i just turned it off lol. I remember playing a wrestling game on ym playstation for the rest of my lunch that day, but that movie stayed in the back of my mind for a couple weeks afterwards. Its pretty crazy, Im just hoping that ill be ready for both movies once im complete with the series, only time will tell lol.

Well, i think thats about it for today, I think im going to go watch some Blue Seed, or maybe make some wallpapers :) I thank you all for visiting and i hope you all enjoyed the post, even though i rambled a bit lol. Hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

