Turn On The Night

Hello everyone,

It's good to be be back with a post today. I was a bit more lazy this weekend and i didnt post or create wallpapers like i had originally planned, So i told myself that there wasnt a chance that i wasnt going to post today, so here i am lol. i at least owed you guys that much :)

This weekend wasnt all that eventful. Saturday morning when i got off work, i came home and pretty much immediately started playing the videogame Rockband. I had finally finished unlocking everything on the game during the day on friday, so i figured id play a few songs until i found something else i wanted to do lol. While i was playing, i had the chance to chat with Bulma a little bit, which was really nice. I dont get many chat visitors these days anymore, so it was a real treat to chat about Final Fantasy and stuff :)

I ended up playing Rockband for quite a while, longer than i had planned, so i turned it off after a while and started making some changes on my myspace page. I changed my background and deleted some people that i didnt care much for anymore lol (they probably never cared much for me either lol), sent some people some messages, and browsed single women in my area (found nothing that caught my eye) until i was just too tired to do anything, then i went to bed lol.

I ended up sleeping for longer than normal, and on 3 seperate occasions i woke up from bad dreams - the last one strangely waking me up exactly at midnight, which made me feel somewhat wierd, so i just stayed awake for a little while and thought about what i wanted to do, but nothing came to mind, so i ended up watching Cutthroat Island on a movie channel i get called Movieplex. I really enjoyed the movie, I think the last time i had seen it, i had to have been around 9 years old or so, and i greatly ejoyed watching it this time around than before. I noticed alot of things that were similar between Cutthroat Island and the first Pirates of the Carribean movie, which led me to believe some ideas may have been stolen by disney, Ill have to look into that sometime lol. I always loved Gina Davis though, ever since i saw her in the movie "The Fly" , it was love at first sight lol.

Yesterday (Sunday), i didnt do much at all. I ordered 2 pizzas around noon and just watched the re-showing of Cuthroat Island and flipped back and forth through some football games. I was mainly waiting for the Dallas game to start, but after watching it through halftime, i was tired again so i went to sleep. I woke up around 3 this morning and started cleaning my room/bathroom and started doing laundry. At about 4 i had the pleasure of catching the movie called The Abyss on the same Movieplex channel. I hadnt seen the end of the movie before, so it was pretty cool to finally see it. Im hoping they will reshow it again this week so i can record it (that is if i cant find it on dvd at work lol) because its a sci fi masterpiece in my opinion. I really think anime fans would like this movie if they havent seen it before, it has some cool elements that are common with alot of anime titles, so be sure to check it out if you havent.

Later this afternoon, I finally finished my Blue Seed Box set.
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Blue Seed
I was really pleased with the final 3 episodes (as well as the entire series). towards the end i could really notice the Evangelionesque-nature of the series, but id say it was a fitting end to an awesome series. It's a shame i took so long to actually sit down and watch it lol. I wont spoil the ending for you guys, but if you have any questions, ill certaily answer them, so feel free to ask :)

Now like i had planned, its time to move onto the Neon Genesis Evangelion series. Ive had this box set for a while and ive never watched any of this version. i do however have each seperate volume of the evangelion series on dvd that was released by the anime company MANGA, but this Slim pack box set version has been digitally remastered and also has the director's cut versions of episodes 21 - 24. So ill be starting this box set tommorrow. Here is a pic of the box set front cover, it is a shiny metallic cover( even though it looks dull because of the bright light from the scanner)
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Evangelion Slim Pack Box Set

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Portable screen/PS2/ Evangelion dvd
Those of you who have been following me since my days on Myotaku may remember this pic lol. This is a pic of the portable screen i own. Back in the day before they started letting me use a company tv at work to watch movies/play games on, I bought this screen to use during my lunch break at work with my playstation 2, so i could play games or watch movies etc. The day i took this pic, I was in my old room on the top bunk of the bunk beds i use to have. I mounted the screen on the wall and connected my PS2 to it so i could watch movies or play games while i was laying in bed lol. As you can see, i used my volume 1 dvd of Evangelion to test it out :) i know it looks silly, but ive always enjoyed being creative that way, so im sure you can all understand lol.

Well, i suppose that will be all for today, it looks like ive typed up quite a bit lol. i thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the post :) i hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

