Time is Luck............ Luck Run Out

Miami Vice

It looks like I'm back again :)

I havent been up to much the past 2 days, as some of you may not know - ive had yesterday and today off work for vacation (which were originally planned to be the first 2 days off for my trip to the Texas Renaisance Festival, but since they wouldnt let me have tommorrow (friday) off as weel, i wasnt able to take the trip) so I still took yesterday and today off work. Ill have to go in and work tommorrow night, but then ill be off saturday and sunday (my normal days off), which isnt so bad lol.

Right now ive just been cleaning and staying busy in a way. I just finished watching the movie "HEAT", which is something i do occasionally every month or so while cleaning or re-arranging my room lol. Earlier i cleaned my cieling fan, which desperately needed it lol, so right now im pretty much done with the cleaning part of my day.

Im not totally sure what ill be doing to pass the time for the rest of the day, but after reading Bulma's post, ill probably be watching one of the vampire movies that i own. Im not sure which one at the moment, but im leaning towards "Interview with the Vampire". Im oressing to play some Final Fantasy 4 as well, because im curious as to where i am on the game lol, its been years since ive played it and im itent on finishing it along with some other games :)

Yesterday I pretty much did nothing. When I got home from work i was tired, but i didnt really want to go to sleep. I wasnt feeling all that emotionally great either. I wont go into detail here because it probably isnt appropriate or anything, i'd just say that it is typical guy stuff. single guys would understand, and people that i am close to here at theotaku and in general will most likely know where im coming from. Im not totally sure why i felt down, i guess sometimes it just hits you somedays and then the more you think about it, the more it brings you down. In the end, i came to the conclusion that i needed to watch the movie Miami Vice (the one that came out 2 years ago). Ive always been a big fan of the tv series version from back in the 1980's, and im a really big fan of the movie. Alot of people didnt like the movie too much, mostly because it wasnt exactly like the series. Ill be honest, im the biggest Don Johnson fan ever and when i heard that Colin Farrel was going to play his character in the movie, i was really worried because im not really the biggest Colin Farrel fan. The only Colin Farrel movies i really liked were Miami Vice and The New World, both of which are really great. My favorite thing about the Miam Vice movie were the landscapes and scenery. Everything just looked really awesome, from the lighting, to the ocean, to the city lights and one of my favorite things in the movie - the music. When i watch it, it always makes me feel good, for some reason i dont know why, but im sure everyone has something that does the same thing in a way lol.

I highly reccomend Miami Vice to some of the older people here at theotaku, and if you like historical type movies, then i very highly reccomend the movie "The New World". It's an awesome verion of the Pocahontas story, but dont expect it to be like the disney cartoon version. Id say its one of the greatest movies of all time and i was kinda mad that it didnt get any Academy Awards, which it sadly deserved. Miami Vice and The New World are both very long movies, over the 2 hour mark i believe, be sure to check them out :)

Yesterday i also managed to finish the first disc of my Neon Genesis Evangelion box set. Those 5 episodes went by pretty quick, and when i started watching the episodes, everything started to come back tome and i started remembering things. I also realized how much more clear this dvd version is. My other Evangelion dvds that were released by the MANGA anime company were not as visually clear, and i also remember the screen cels shaking a bit before screen changes in the MANGA dvds, which has been cleaned up in the new box set that i have. Sometime today ill probably do through volume 1 of the box set and volume 1 of the MANGA dvd and see if i can point out any other differences to share with you guys. It'll give me something to do to pass time thats for sure lol.

Well, i suppose that will be everything for todays post, I noticed that they posted some new member upgrades on the main page of Theotaku, I was excited and hoping that id be one of the people who were upgraded - but sadly i wasnt. I dont feel bad about it though, I'll just have to work on posting a bit more and try to get back into the groove of making wallpapers for new sections, as well as suggesting new sections to be added lol. Alot of work and alot more Adventures. I thank you all for visiting and i hope you enjoyed the post. hope to chat with you all sometime soon :)

stay strong,

