Another Mistake, and Catching Up

Hello everyone :)

It's been a few days since i last posted and everything so i figured i would post what ive been up to the past few days :)

First of all, i have to let you all know that i made a mistake in my last post while i was talking about the Evangelion dvds that i own. After inspecting the cases to the seperate volumes that i own, a little better, i foolishly realized that i made a mistake and had stated in my last post that they were released by the MANGA anime dvd distributor, which they were really released by the anime distributor by the name of ADV. I wasnt completely wrong though - The 2 Evangelion movies that i have were released by the MANGA company, which must have been what initially threw me off lol.

Strangely enough- the Evangelion box set that i own was released by ADV as well, I certainly apologize for any mix ups it may have caused , especially if anyone who had read my last post and gone on a wild goose chase in order to find the dvds lol.

Speaking of Evangelion, Im currently watching Episode: 9 (Both of you dance like you want to win!). Ive really started to enjoy the series a bit more and understand it alot better than when i had originally started watching it. Ive also been enjoying it alot since Kaji made his first appearance in Episode 8 (Asuka Strikes). Those of you who may not know, Kaji has always been my favorite Evangelion Character, probably because we dress and act pretty much identically lol. Another thing i really like about him was that he always seems to know whats going on, and what the big picture holds, and ive always tried to be the same way. He's cool and always calm under pressure which is always good lol.

Ive got episode 9 and 10 to finish then ill be done with disc 2, Things are starting to pick up a bit now that alot of the characters have been introduced, especially Asuka ( i really like it when she speaks German lol). Its been a great adventure so far and i certainly look forward to finishing it :)

Saturday Morning when i got home from work, I came in my room like i normally do, and took off my jacket and unbuttoned my shirt, like i normally do, emptied my pockets and took off my shoes - which is what i do every morning when i get home from work lol. Except saturday morning was different. After i do all of those other things, i usually go and turn on my computer. However, that morning when i turned on my computer tower, it came on as usual, but when i turned on my monitor - it caught fire in the back of it LOL. It wasnt a big fire, just a small flare up and alot of sizzling like someone was cooking something lol. I tried for a short while to get the monitor to work, but soon realized that he was done for, so i just drove up to the pawn shop right up the road from my house and bought an even bigger monitor for only 40$. Lucky or me they had the computer stuff up there marked down 50%. This monitor is used, but its bigger and it works, so its cool with me :) ill have to post a memorial pic of my old monitor up in ym next post to commemorate 5 years of service lol. After i handled the monitor situation, i played a little bit of Final Fantasy 4, just to see where i was at and stuff. I was surprised to see that i was pretty far into the game when i stopped, i still need to level up though defensively, because my characters arent very strong when it comes to defense, ill have to see what i can do, Ill probably play it a little bit at work tonight on lunch :)

Yesterday (Sunday), i didnt really do much of anything. I watched random stuff on tv, messed around online and around 11pm last night after i woke up from sleeping for a little while, I had the Urge to watch the movie "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". If you havent seen it, its an older movie from the 60's and its a western starring Clint Eastwood. It's 2 hours and 41 minutes long, but it is really good. I know alot of people our age and younger dont really like western films, but i take exception to this film and a few other western films because it isnt the typical western. Overall it breaks the western stereotype and it is often called the "Pulp Fiction" of its time. those of you who havent seen Pulp Fiction may not totally understand, but its a good movie too, and it also broke the film barriers in its own ways. I personally liked The Good The Bad and The Ugly because of the music. i liked the actual movie itself, but the music just made it so much better. I wouldnt expect everyone to like it, but its a good movie and should at least be watched once. The story is great, the action is great, the music is great and it is put together really well to the point where you you cant really tell that it was made in the 60's. It stands the test of time thats for sure :)

well, i suppose that has pretty much been what ive been doing the past few days. Its not much, but it kept me busy lol. Well i think im going to get back to watching Evangelion :) I thank you all for visiting and i hope you all enjoyed the post :) Hope to chat with you all soon :)

stay strong,

