Stupid girls

Okay the title has nothing to do with anyone on the O. It's referring to these fucking stupid girls in my forth period class. Every day they have to ask if I like Hannah Montana because I have blond hair and blue eyes. They also have to ask damn stupid questions, like if I like dogs when I have a notebook with two chocolate labs on the front. There fucking stupid. They never stop with there questions. They need to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!! I CAN'T STAND THEM!!!!!! I want to kill them. I mean the way they look at things is, "Oh you look like Hannah Montana, so you must like her." or "Oh the puppies on you book are play fighting so you can't possibly like dogs." Well in all truth, I hate Hannah Montana. I like dogs, and in fact have one of my own. Those girls are driving me fucking crazy. Why can't they crawl into a hole and die. I've had it with them.
I needed to get that off my chest otherwise I would probably attempt to murder those four tomorrow. now some news I actually like to share. First I got a new cell phone yesterday, I finely have a flip phone again. Next I finished a game I got from my brother last night. I'm cot up on my favorite novel sires. I added links to my playlist and Youtube page to the interdiction. I've also added links to OCs for clubs I'm in and links to the clubs. We're doing archery in PE and I messed up one of my teachers arrows today. I'm waiting for the next episode of Naruto to come out. If any one knows a good anime/manga to keep me busy in the mean time can you tell me.
Just randomly said everything on my mind. Sorry about that.
