tagged again

Eye Color: blue-green
Hair Color: dirty blond
Height: '5"4
Favorite Color: Black/red
Screen Name: YamiHita or just Hita
Favorite Show: Mythbusters
Your Car: I can't drive yet
Your Hometown: I have no obligation to share that
Your Present Town: I have no obligation to share that
Your First Crush's Name: I haven't had a crush
Your Grade: 8th

Sat on your rooftop? I love rooftops
Kissed someone in the rain? I don't kiss
Danced in a public place? ... no
Smiled for no reason? yes
Laughed so hard you cried? I admit yes
Peed your pants after age 8? NO
Written a song? I wish
Sang to someone for no reason? I can't sing in front of others
Performed on a stage? yes(I find it quite scary)
Talked to someone you don't know? I kinda had to
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? I don't know
Made out in a theater? NO FUCKING WAY
Been in love? I don't know

Say HI to you? Momo
Tell you, I love you? Mom
Kiss you? I don't like being kissed so...I can't remember
Hug you? Momo's dad
Tell you BYE? Momo
Write you a note? I'm not sure
Take your photo? the manager taking the group picture for Zoo Crew
Buy you something? Mom
Write a poem about you? I don't know
Touch you? My little brother

Time you laughed? last night wile Momo and I watched anime
Time you cried? Don't ask me
Song you've sang? Well it's In the Shadows by The Rasmas
Time you've looked at the clock? Wile at the training day for Zoo Crew
Drink you've had? water
Book you've read? Warriors
Food you've eaten? lunch
Shoes you've worn? white tennis shoes
Store you've been in? zoo gift show
Thing you've said? Singing with my music, now it's Into The Night by Santana

Write with both hands? not really
Whistle? kinda
Roll your tongue in a circle? maybe
Cross your eyes? yes
Touch your tongue to your nose? ummm...yes
Dance? a little
Speak a different language? I wish I could
Impersonate someone? oh ya
Make a card pyramid? never tried
Cook anything? easy stuff

If I was rich then: I don't know
I wish: For what?
So many people don't know that: This is getting old
I am: waiting for this to end
My heart is: I'm not going to answer to you anymore, see you

I tag anyone who's willing to do this.
