Thank god it's Friday

Okay I know the title sounds like my day was good, but my day was fucking stupid. First in my forth period class these girls got in a big fight right in the middle of class, and I don't mean arguing, I mean rolling on the floor, hair pulling, and slapping. They hit the metal part of the table I was sitting at into my leg as I was getting up to escape the danger zone, and if you think that's the worst of it that's so wrong it's sad. This fucking stupid asshole in my 7th period class Alix asked me if I liked dicks today. When I didn't answer him the bastard turned to another guy and told him I like dicks. Now four teachers know about this and I want to slit his throat. What gives him the right to talk to a girl like that? I hope he gets seriously punished. This isn't my first complaint about him, I swear he looks at a part of my body I'd rather he didn't. He makes rude remarks at me all the time, yet somehow he's one of the most poplar boys in the school. What is wrong with the girls in my school?
