A Lot Has Happened....

So it's been a while since I've posted, of which I do apologize.

My new fraccion, Jenny, has been on leave for the next few weeks, so I won't be seeing much of her. As soon as she gets back and into the swing of things, she and I need to do some training together. It's also good to hear the other Espada obtain their fraccions as well. *nods*

Also, it appears that I have finally become a Host of The Otaku Host Club. This pleases me. As a result of that and my interactions on the Proboards, I have gained some new fans. (The whole point system for that is crazy though...*dreads math*)

On a different note entirely...there have been some strange things happening around here, but they don't involve me. *shrugs* To each his own, I suppose...

With that, I'll depart for now. *waves and walks away with his dog by his side*

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