It looks like the cable bill is lagging again. They want quite a bit to keep us connected but we won't be able to produce the sum for at least four weeks. 0.0 If I'm offline for more than two weeks then I've probably been cut off.
Today was a rather strenuous day. I got up early and did chores for the most part of the day. I swept, mopped, cleaned the bathroom (Shower and all), cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the living room and my bedroom. I also vacuumed and somehow kept the brother entertained during the whole process.
I used the oven to cook dinner since the gas got turned on today. I cooked one of those layered pasta (I've totally forgotten how to spell the thing, as you can clearly see) things and some garlic bread. It was pretty good, much better than the pan cooked and fried dishes I've had to put up with since moving here. Best of all, the heat from the oven really warmed things up.
I'm going to end the night with a shower and some AniMonday. Ill probably lay down a little since my shoulders are a little tense, too.
Bits and Pieces that didn't make the post:
: I reactivated my Gaia account this weekend. It's not that interesting but I want a top hat, so ill play to earn that top hat... And some fluffy ears...
: I'm going to try and get my hands on Kingdom Hearts, since I have yet to play that game.
: I hope these baby food stains come out of my sweater.
: I miss the sun. Damn you, clouds.
: Stan Lee's Ultimo manga has a Shounen-Ai undertone which often results in comedy~
And that's that for this time~
I really need to get on some form of schedule. It wouldn't hurt to be more productive, right? 0.0
Today is one of my days off so I lounged around in my bed until one in the afternoon. I then fed the little brother and watched Sicko, that film that shows the seedier under-under belly of the American health insurance industry, for the first time. It was pretty good an I now have the urge to retire in the south of France... *Shifty eyes* Don't judge me...
The step dad went out and brought in some Chinese food earlier this afternoon. I got some Kung Pow Chicken and it was pretty good, pretty hot and extremely filling. I am stuffed~
I'm going to grab a shower later on this evening and ill probably end the night with some TV and maybe some Y!IM chat.
Bits and Pieces that didn't make the post:
: I'm working on a doodle that's about 85% complete. If I can connect my scanner to this computer then ill try and upload it when it's finished. However, if I do then my work hiatus would effectively be over and I don't think my computer has enough memory to support full E-card production... 0.0
: It's effing cold here and we won't have the heat on until Monday.
: I'm going to cook using the oven on Monday. Ill see you in hell, fryer! Hahahahahaha!!!!
: I need to exercise more.
And that's that for this time~
It appears as if I've been under cooking the pork just a tad bit. A little blood never hurt anyone, right?
The Weekend was fairly good. I pretty much got both days off and cached a little sun. Oh, this fall weather is wonderful for getting a tan. The breeze is cool and the sun isn't too hot, yet remains bright enough to turn the lake water a shimmering silvery blue~ Now, if only my uke was with me to enjoy the scenery~ ^////^
Today was okay for the most part. I woke up around half nine and got up at eleven after losing a long battle against the alarm clock. 0.0 I woke up to an immediate chore: The car needed to be cleaned out because we can no longer afford the payments. So, slightly groggy and with a slice of pizza in my tummy, I set about the half hour long task. It was strange to say the least. I found so much crap that I could have built a tiny ant metropolis. I also found a lot of useful crap, which was even more surprising.
I grabbed some cereal after that chore was over and done with, cleaned up a little and started my shift. The little brother didn't puke today but he did spit up silently quite a few times. And once my shift was over and done with, I eat. The sis is cooking tonight so I decided to play it safe and grabbed some leftovers.
And that brings us to now. I'm half paying attention to this and half watching House. Ill probably end the night with a shave and a shower.
Bits and Pieces that didn't make the post:
: I'm gonna make some fried chicken tomorrow.
: I'm really enjoying this weather~
: I'm *Cough* not exactly single anymore...
: I might be going to Red Lobster some time in the next two weeks~
And that's that for this time~
It's the end of the week, all that remains to do is enjoy the weekend~
*Looks at the date of my last post* Not exactly keeping in schedule, am I? Well, in my defense I do have a person to blame valid excuse for my inability to keep to plans as of late. However, this is not the world in which to talk about it~ :P
To sum up the past five days: I've been doing almost all of the chores~ I've cooked elaborate meals and cleaned the place until it shined like a freshly waxed head for the past five days. 0.0 I even cooked pork for the first time and it came out very well. I did over salt it, though. But still, a "That pork was fucking awesome" is a "That pork was fucking awesome" in my books.
It's getting cooler, so much so that I pulled out an extra pillow and now sleep with a shirt on. It won't be long now until I'm wearing my bath robe and exercising with my camouflage bandanna on because it's thicker.
I have a final model for my representational OC. It's gonna look like a cuter, shorter Zaraki for the most part. Only the hair, skeletal structure and facial features will be different.
I'm probably gonna end the night with some TV, ill probably talk to my valid excuse, too~ ^_^
Bits and Pieces that didn't make the post:
: Pork is easier to cook than chicken.
: You can make any kind of cake in a microwave.
: My left hand is getting more red and dry. It won't be long until ill need to wear gloves to keep it from bleeding.
: Ill write a post about my valid excuse on my Experientia WORLD next week~
And that's that for this time~
I've been cooking a lot lately. Almost every night, in fact. Tomorrow night I'm pan cooking chicken and probably making spicy rice~
Today was okay for the most part. I got up at a decent time for once and read a little outside in my free time before my shift began. My shift, however, wasn't that great. The little brother was in one of those pissy, self induced vomiting moods all day~ 0.0 So I had to stop whatever I was doing every two minuets for five or so hours to stop him from puking. Oh, joy.
Once my shift was over, I cooked. Nothing fancy, just meatballs and cheesy pasta shells. The pasta turned out oh-kei, which I guess is good considering it's my second attempt at cooking the thing. I know what you're thinking and the answer is yes, I did top the whole thing with grated cheese~
I'm probably going to end the night with some AniMonday (it's a shame that Gundam 00 is coming to an end. "All good things", I suppose~) and some Y!A chat with someone special~
Bits and Pieces that didn't make the post:
: As the title suggests, cooking can be pleasant~
: Coming up with the next three meals might be difficult, we're running out of spices and we have to make do until Friday. -.- Blandness is the enemy, my friends~
: I haven't doodled anything for a while now 0_0
And that's that for this time~