Today was a rather long day, full of chores and quite a few laughs~
I woke up (Was woken up ) around the eight mark because chores needed to be done before one of the brother's many therapists arrived. So I did chores, drowsy but somewhat at peace from the early nighter I managed to get. As soon as I finished up with the chores, the meanest of the otherwise nice ones arrived. So I went to my room and eat/watched The Zohan until the other one arrived/left. And then i did chores/babysitting for quite a while.
I managed to exercise without cutting myself. I do, however, get a small cut on my little finger for some reason. The little ones are the worst, they sting. The big cuts are much less painful, the amount of blood from them is quite extraordinary, though. 0.0
After the hour or so of exercising was done and over with I did (You guessed it) more chores/babysitting for an hour or two. My overall chore/babysitting time for today was around the nine hour mark... It's a shame that family doesn't pay family...
When the brother went to bed my chore/babysitting time was over, so I sat down and started eating without worrying about him crawling up to me and jumping in my food/throwing his toys in my food. All was calm, for about ten seconds. The sis showed up from her after school nap/chain smoking binge and brought along the cousin with her. He wanted to play so I finished up eating and we played video games for three hours. Surprisingly enough, this visit was quite fun.
We played co-op on a couple of single player games (My x-box only has one control pad) and generally made jokes of each others' 2002 graphic exploits. First we played a shooting game involving counter terrorism. Strangely enough, two shots to the ankle made the enemy fly as if a grenade was fired. Then we played DOA2, also known as the "Ow! My balls!" game because most attacks end up hitting that area. So we played, we laughed and we almost cried from laughing from a zinger involving the Russian guy's bone crushing skills. Then three hours later he left. Well, he was politely kicked out with the "it's been a time and a half" line because it was ten and I needed to get a shower.
And here I am, clean and laughing maniacally after reading the comments my challenge received (I've created a monster)and watching the first Street Fighter film. I plan on calling it a night when it finishes, getting some sleep and starting the energy draining chore/exercise/babysitting process all over again tomorrow.
And that's that. Catch you guys later.
It's Friday, looks like all that exercising and chore doing and such are taking a bit of a tole on my energy. Overall I'm feeling a little crappy. Worse still, I feel a little sickly and I'm having a little trouble with my grip... I should probably use the foam knives during practice today so I don't end up with another scar... Yeah...
I've been thinking of spicing things up a bit on this blog-a-ma-thingy world of mine. Maybe add a little color? I was thinking of a little light blue and light purple mix that I thought looked cool on my band aids. Speaking of which, my finger still has a dent in it while my scar has almost healed completely.
It's a shame that the local quarter wash isn't hiring.
I think ill have an early night tonight. Maybe sleep from nine to noon? Though knowing my luck ill probably end up falling short of that blissful goal.
Well I'm gonna get going now. Looks like my early morning break is coming to and end. A Yoji's work is never done, I guess.
Catch you all later.
My allergies are acting up with somewhat dramatic consequences. First I ended up overshooting an uppercut during practice due to a sneeze. The result of which made me hit the ceiling, giving the back of my left hand a bad scraping.
Another injury I suffered happened yesterday during practice. This time it was during the live sword session... Thankfully they're not sharp, only point. But still, I now have a somewhat big, somewhat deep gash on my right arm.
Allergies! *Shakes fist in air*
As you might or might not know, I'm going on an online vacation for most of April. Ill be gone at least two weeks and a month at most. Don't worry, I usually do something like this every three or so months. With any luck ill be back with some cool...
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This week was somewhat eventful. Had some ups and downs and other such things. Just like a roller coaster, only with less excitement and no lines.
It took me an hour to install all the software for my all-in-one printer. However, it wasn't ...
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