Inspiration seems to have hit me with a hammer as of late. I think I might end up submitting 10+ doodles this month. 0.0
Yesterday was pretty much okay. I got up early, eat and did chores until around eleven. When the hour changed I went about my new routine of exercising. It was odd to say the least. I did my usual stretches but because of the lack of room and the many calls the police would receive if I did it on the deck, I had to cut out my fencing practice. 0.0 So, how was I to warm up before the weight lifting part? Strangely, the answer was an extremely fast variation of my stretches and some yoga. After that I did the usual 100+ back lifts and crunches and sit ups and such before I moved onto the lifting part, which was more difficult than I expected.
After that was over and done with, I did more chores and babysitting. I pretty much did crap non stop until four and then I went to my room to doodle some more. I also attempted something that turned out to be way out of my league, for now, anyway. After about an hour I got called out to do more chores/babysitting for an hour or so. When it finished I once again returned to my room.
I spent the rest of that night chatting to a friend on ye old Y!/prettying myself up/watching Tieria slap more people on the show of 00.
Today was strange for a Tuesday. They let me lay in until eleven 0.0 Very strange. Well, when I got up my arms/shoulders/chest was hurting from yesterday's excursions. So after jumping out of bed (Which I do often because it wakes me up a lot faster. Unfortunately, this Yoji is a slow starter ) I went about the chores. I babysat and cleaned for a bit and got the post, which was all the way at the other end of the complex. After that I did some more chores until three and then went to my room to (You guessed it) doodle. I managed to work on the perverse-to-cute pic a little more and doodles a birthday gift that ill put up later on. The birthday one didn't turn out as well as I expected, but then again I never like my colored works. Black and White is so much more user friendly.
I spend the rest of the day doing more chores and such and I'm probably gonna end the night with some TV/doodling.
Bits and Pieces that didn't make the post:
: Listening to music seems to quadruple my response time, which is probably the reason I've been doodling so fast as of late.
: I might try a goober burger (A burger topped with peanut butter) tomorrow just for the hell of it.
: Operation Repo's main selling point is the big, bald guy getting hurt by random people.
: I'm gonna try and make some hand puppets for the little brother. To Hobby Lobby, My Faithful Steed! Huzzah!!!
And that's that for this time~