I Wasn't Expecting This...

Today was, well, how can I put this?... It was strange 0.0

They got me up around eight today, interrupting a wonderfully movie like dream I was having. Apparently they decided to cancel their plans to go see the Harry Potter film today and thought it would be a good idea to get my hair cut early. 0.0 So, half asleep and hungry, I went out to the local hair cutting place.

It was a dull drive to the place of hair cutting, completely devoid of distractions. And when we finally got there, the mom nearly hit me in the head with her car door as I was getting out from the back (Darn SUVs. That sliding door leads straight out into a deathtrap.) Well, when we got in the place was practically empty. There were two hairdressers in all, and the one who ended up cutting my hair had an extremely heavy Asian accent to such a point that I only understood half of what she said. To make things more comical, my thick British accent confused her to such a point that she could only understand half of what I said.

So there we were, nodding and miming at one another as my hair hit the floor. And by the end of things, I noticed I had made a terrible mistake with my choice from the style book. You see, I had an agreement with Yosei that I would get something short with styling length up top. However, my accent would have made it difficult to explain so to save time I picked out a picture from the style book that seemed to fit the criteria. Unfortunately, that picture was misleading and it came out much shorter than expected. Yeah, I look somewhat like a jar head (military recruit) now. I guess ill also have to grow the facial hair from the picture to make it look normal, too. Oh well, it shouldn't take more than four days to see what the end result looks like. Besides, hair grows back and I don't have to worry about male pattern baldness for another eighty years, right?

After that was done with I went home and did chores for three hours before washing my hair and attempting to style it some more... Yeah, looks like I'm stuck with short, styleless hair for a month. Well, after I did that I did more chores and then went to my room. I tried to doodle an OC but it ended up looking like Kakashi for some odd reason. 0.0

Bits and pieces that didn't make the post:
: I finally got a mouse pad today. Looks like my desk won't get any more mouse scratches.
: I'm gonna try and get a hold of some inking pens tomorrow.
: I mostly drink from wine glasses, even though I rarely drink wine 0.0

And that's that for the most part. The folks brought in pizza and I'm probably gonna end the night with some crappy Bleach (Oh, filler arcs. Why do you disappoint me so?) At any rate, ill leave you guys with a picture of my computer desk~

