It appears as if I've been under cooking the pork just a tad bit. A little blood never hurt anyone, right?
The Weekend was fairly good. I pretty much got both days off and cached a little sun. Oh, this fall weather is wonderful for getting a tan. The breeze is cool and the sun isn't too hot, yet remains bright enough to turn the lake water a shimmering silvery blue~ Now, if only my uke was with me to enjoy the scenery~ ^////^
Today was okay for the most part. I woke up around half nine and got up at eleven after losing a long battle against the alarm clock. 0.0 I woke up to an immediate chore: The car needed to be cleaned out because we can no longer afford the payments. So, slightly groggy and with a slice of pizza in my tummy, I set about the half hour long task. It was strange to say the least. I found so much crap that I could have built a tiny ant metropolis. I also found a lot of useful crap, which was even more surprising.
I grabbed some cereal after that chore was over and done with, cleaned up a little and started my shift. The little brother didn't puke today but he did spit up silently quite a few times. And once my shift was over and done with, I eat. The sis is cooking tonight so I decided to play it safe and grabbed some leftovers.
And that brings us to now. I'm half paying attention to this and half watching House. Ill probably end the night with a shave and a shower.
Bits and Pieces that didn't make the post:
: I'm gonna make some fried chicken tomorrow.
: I'm really enjoying this weather~
: I'm *Cough* not exactly single anymore...
: I might be going to Red Lobster some time in the next two weeks~
And that's that for this time~