A Long, Irritated Sigh~

This week has been quite eventful so far, and quite a bit of it has been rather irritating. So, I think ill break this post into a list of the urks and the okays.

Urkesome List:

: The lawyer appointment had to be moved to Tuesday due to the truck breaking down.
: I had to get up really early today... T.T
: I had to clean the whole house because-
: The stepdad's new girlfriend is coming over for DINNER and-
: I have to play an active role during her visit~

I will be civil, but I probably won't enjoy it... I say probably because he's bought in rib-eyes, and I haven't had a steak for over a year...

Pro list:

: I have a cellphone now.
: I should be getting a basketball tomorrow.
: We're also off to Fiesta tomorrow, a large Mexican meat market.
: The sis moved back to the UK.

