Special Delivery.

Most of my order arrived via FedEx yesterday. It came in a big box, a really big box. A box filled with two inches of clothing and ten of brown packing paper, which Rose (The nanny) wrapped me up in, running around me in circles and laughing like a young child.

I took a photo of the unpacked box, but had to re-size it before uploading it, which I had to download Pixia to do. Well, here it is.:

As you can see, the light is bad and I have crappy taste in graphic Ts. My one regret is that these shirts will fit my shoulders and chest nicely, but will be really baggy around my mid section. But other than that, I'm on cloud 7. A new wardrobe was just what I needed. I've had my old rags for years now, it's nice to finally be able to retire 'em.

The rest of my order will likely be waiting for me in the mail box by Tuesday. I might post a photo of it.

The stepdad finished call today, which means I get to sleep normally for once. I'm looking forward to laying in tomorrow, though ill probably have to clean the whole house that day.

I made a Luther Burger this week. You know, a burger between a crispy cream doughnut. To sum it up, this thing will give you blood sugar problems for three days. A burger, more so, one of my burgers between a deep-fried, sugar laced dough is not the best thing to eat. Hell, the burgers I make are over an inch thick. Adding a doughnut to the mix was stupid of me. I'm lucky to be alive. Thank god I didn't add bacon to it.

