Thunder, Thunder Everywhere.

We've been seeing some pretty wild storms in the area for the past four days. A lot of rain and lightning but no severe damage yet thankfully.

My weekend was pretty good. I watched RockNRolla on Saturday and had some pizza.

On Sunday I got to hang out with Zach, the cute Indian guy~ We played some more Mortal Kombat and watched the live action Riki-Oh movie I had on the external hard drive I brought over, which was like watching a really crappy but funny version of Mortal Kombat. The weather was too crappy to go to the park so we pretty much played around the house. It was fun, though we both nearly fell down the stairs at one point. He also showed me his two dogs, which look like really fluffy corgis. One was black and the other was sandy/corgi colored. The black one seemed to like me a hell of a lot more than the sandy one, who was giving me the eye when he wasn't barking at me. Little dogs seem to hate me for some reason. *Shrugs.* Hell if I know why, though. It's not like I go out of my way to mess with 'em or anything.

I also learned a pretty useful life lesson on Sunday: Never make out with someone when something funny is on the TV. Thankfully it wasn't just me who fell victim to that.

When I got back I was pretty tired, but couldn't fall asleep due to how lively the place was. So I watched Machete before taking a shower and collapsing on my bed.

