Oddly Productive.

My weekend sucked. I wasn't able to hang out with my friend or get my hair cut. I mostly spent my time cleaning out my laptop and reading up on local events in the UK (Gotta get ready for my return and such).

Today was a tad more productive than usual. We got re-approved for medicade so I figured I would clean the bathroom since we'll have a new nurse starting tomorrow. I also did some laundry and ate three times today, the first time I've eaten normally in quite a while. Granted, it was light, but still, it's a start.

I might get my hair cut tomorrow. Maybe. At this rate I might just cut it myself, go for something sceneish?

People who only eat once a day are insane.

Here's a picture of me from a couple of weeks ago. Ignore the cap, it's to help hide my identity.

