Watching and Waiting.

I've slowly been getting things in order since arriving. On Tuesday I co-signed the sis' housing bid and on Wednesday I called the aid office to see if I qualified for assistance with finding a job (Which I do~) so they should call me back sometime today to arrange an in-person meeting so I can sign on and collect a £100 check which will go towards rent and transportation.

I'm going to apply for a job at a local cake factory tomorrow as well as open a bank account. Ill probably end up hanging out with one of the sis' friends while we're at it. For some reason all of her friends are interested in seeing me. It's odd.

The sis wants to take me to the local gay club next Saturday. Her girlfriend also wants to straighten my hair so I figure ill kill two birds with one stone. Ill take photos and might post 'em on here if they come out well enough.

The food here is upsetting my stomach, like when I first arrived in America. Different soil/water and all. Hopefully ill get over it before my big night out.

