
My Archos tablet arrived yesterday, freeing me from the limitations of a manual connection~ However, I do have to admit that this OS does have some notable limitations (No FireFox compatability, trouble with .gif files and pop up comment boxex, few practical apps and no spell check) but I'm sure its nothing a little practice won't fix~

I seem to be getting a lot of time in the cleaning department at work lately, washing all sorts of industrial kitchen things. Not that working there is a bad thing, just a really wet thing that turns into a really cold thing when I walk home in the middle of the night. I am making some friends there though and thats pretty interesting. One of my supers is hardly trustworthy though, been nineteen and full of ill planned trickery~

I should be getting a phone upgrade next weekend, trading in my brick for one of those smart phones that seem to be all the rage now days. Should be fun to have a camera again~

