The Month In Review. (Work Edition~)

Well, this month certainly went by about a week faster than last month did. Below is the list of accomplishments (^_^) and failures (-.-) that happened during the month.

The Good.

~ I finally got a scanner.
~ I submitted eight drawings.
~ I also submitted sixteen E-cards.
~ I started a new WORLD with the goal of helping people with their drawings.

The Bad.

- I didn't finish any of my written projects this month.
- Now that the backlog of work has been scanned in and approved, art submissions will be few and far apart.
- I still have no idea what next month's E-card theme will be.

The Ugly.

= One of the drawings I submitted was a boobed James from Pokemon. To all those who have seen it and now have nightmares, you have my appologies.

Next month will probably consist of sixteen E-cards and two, maybe three drawings. With any luck ill finish my written projects and refine the Drawing Board WORLD.

Wish me luck~

