Days 3 and 4 (9-27-'11 & 9-28-'11)

Day 3: Tuesday

7:30am: 251--> took 2.5 units for correction
10:10am: 187
12:15pm: 168
11:00pm: 175

Food intake for the day:

  • Breakfast: Yogurt and a peach (30g) --> Took 3 units
  • Lunch: (no lunch)
  • After school snack: Little Debbie Cake (35g) --> 3.5 units
  • Dinner: Kielbasa

The reason for the high this particular morning was because I had a low blood-sugar around midnight the night before. I had to eat and I didn't know how much because I didn't have the time to check my sugars. I was so shaky, all I could focus on was getting food, then getting back to sleep.
Other than that, my sugars remained rather steady. A little high, but not as high as they could have been. I see it as progress.

Day 4: Wednesday

7:20am: 162
12:00pm: 119 (EXCELLENT)
2:00pm: 177
11:00pm: 246 --> 2.5 units correction

Food intake:

  • Breakfast: 2 cups of yogurt (60g) --> 6 units
  • Lunch: (no lunch)
  • Dinner: Chicken (35g) --> 3.5 units

A pretty decent start. And, I'm addicted to yogurt now...especially Greek Yogurt. *drool, drool*
But, you see that 119 at noon? Yeah, that didn't stay like that. About an hour later, I was in art class with a REALLY low sugar. It's hard to draw details of a glass bottle in CHARCOAL when your hands are shaking and your vision is blurry. So, I drank a bottle of Dr. Pepper. But, I didn't know how much I needed it. SO! When I checked my sugars at 2, I was like, "Oh, they're going up, I should take insulin" and then they DROPPED around 3:30 when I was dropping the sister off at mom's work. Then, I had to eat at Arby's because. it was right across the street. *sigh* So, now my sugars are high.
Oh well. 119 Was a nice reading to have.

On to tomorrow~!

