So, here's my World Page designed especially for me. For those of you who aren't familiar with me, I'm an aspiring Manga-ka (at least in my own mind) and I enjoy many things in life, including, but not limited to: sword-fights, squirrels, lingual jokes, shiny rocks, and strawberries.
Also, I was born in Texas, but raised in Montana. No, I don't ride horses, or boil water over a campfire to heat it, and as a matter of fact, I hate Westerns! I don't have an accent (y'all) and I don't wear a ten-gallon cowboy hat with chaps. I'm a normal, everyday average citizen of America... who wishes he were somewhere else. XD I'm also agnostic, so don't come preaching to me about anything, okies? And, I won't throw you down a well, okies? Yay! Friends!!!
"You have to be realistic about terrorism. Certain groups of people, certain groups, Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana, are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time."
~George Carlin
Or, check out our DeviantArt page [Shiro-Jinja] that Angelo (Fai no Tenshi) and I share!
Well, hope you enjoy your visit and sayonara for now! ^_^
Hey, guys! I'm at work and I'm incredibly bored.
No one's updating at the SOS Brigade proboards, no new deviations are coming in for me at dA, and I'm just flat-face bored here. So, what's new with you all?
I got to see my new b/f yesterday. :3 I'm gonna see him tomorrow too. X3 I can't wait! I'm sooooo crushing~! ♥♥♥
Nothing new going on. I've got some more art, but it's for the store here where I work, so I didn't post it... Although, I did at dA... so... yeah...
OH! If you guys want, I'm doing commissions. FEED ME! I wanna go to college!
So, yesterday was fun.
I went with my dad to apply for classes and such for college. I start this fall! YEAH! Wish me luck!!! :D
Then, I went and hung out with that boy I went on a date with last week. I actually had a real blast! And, to be honest, I really... REALLY like him. ;3
We hung out at his house for a bit. Then, the heat caused us both to fall asleep on the couch and the floor for a couple hours. When we woke up, we decided to go to Wendy's for lunch! XD 'Twas tasty!
After that, we went to see the new Harry Potter movie. And, to be honest, I really liked it! I mean, my parents and sister said it sucked, but I truly loved it! There's more humor than there was with the previous two or three. And, it was laid out well, and even the graphics and effects were phenomenal!
OMIGAWD! When that dead body under the water suddenly grabbed Harry's arm, so many people in the audience jumped and gasped, and I heard a woman actually scream! XD My b/f and I just LAUGHED!!!
After the movie let out, we went back to his house (by then, it was about 10 pm) and we sat in the driveway in the bed of his truck and just talked... and kissed... OKAY! We totally made out and Angelo won't let me live it down! X3
I felt so sad to go at 11:30, but I still had to drive myself home and my mother wanted me home before midnight... *sigh*
That's about it! I had a great time!!
I hope your guys' weekends are going great too! :D
Thanks for reading! I love you guys! >____<
Oh, GAWD! I'm so pissed! I dunno why the hell... AAAAAAGHHHGHGHGHGHG~!
FOR SHIT'S SAKE! I entered the relationship for my PARTNER, not THE MOTHER!! I will NOT become beautiful on the both the inside and outside for HER! So, I'm a little plain. XXXXX LOVES ME FOR BEING PLAIN! Besides! YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ME!!!
*throws the cpu across the room*
*punches out a wall*
I'm sorry, guys. But, the worst thing you could EVER do to me is expect me to change how I act and look for the praise of someone who doesn't know a damn thing about me.
I don't mind being "plain" to others. I don't like to stand out in a crowd. But, she wanted her kid to bring home a "model" figure and someone with an "over-the-top" personality. FUCK HER! Right in the PISS HOLE! AAAUGH~!
[/rant] ~Yosei~
It may be awhile before you guys hear from me again... I'm just so... pissed off! I just... I just...!!! I need to get away and be with my special someone. See you all... I dunno when.
EDIT: If I don't reply to a comment, don't think I'm neglecting you. My CPU hasn't been letting me reply lately. So, if you want, you can send your comment in the form of a PM. I'll reply to that.
Wow... it's been a while since I've updated, hasn't it? I'M SORRY! I've been so busy with my personal life!
Tom's been home, YAY! Let's see... Thursday, I didn't get to see ANY of my friends. I ended up having to go to a Family get-together at my Uncle's house. It was alright. I was pretty bored, though, as everyone is either 20 years older than me, or at least 15 years younger. Remember, I'm 20, so... you do the math. Yeah. That, and I was having some tummy troubles, but I worked it out.
Friday, I spent the whole day with the date I was going to go to the movie with. As it turns out, it wasn't a girl. It was her brother she'd been asking me about. *sigh* Go figure, huh? But, he was a really nice guy. I think I might kinda like him... ;>_> Although, neither of us have really made any moves... And, some plans were ruined, so none of us went to the movie. So, the guy and I went down to a local restaurant for dinner and just hung out the whole time. It was a good time! ^_^
Yesterday, EVERYONE went to Tom's house for a barbecue. It was like a welcome-home party type of thing. Although, the heat got to me and I had more indigestion and pretty much passed out until the A/C came on. I fell asleep for about a half an hour. But, my friends were nice. They stayed nearby since they were playing video games anyway.
And, I got a sunburn on my shoulders. OWCHIES! >.<
Oh well. I have Aloe Vera! :D
Then, I was going to give the guy from Friday a ride home, but we decided to just stay the night at my house. That was fun. ;3
LOL! I kid! I kid! Really, it feels more like a friendship, even though I've been told he's crushing on yours truly. XD Nah, nothing's happened. Besides, even if anything had, I'd post it in my Personal Journal... :3
Well, that's enough of that. Today was okay. I stayed up 'til 5am this morning, my new friend and I hanging out, and didn't wake up again until 10am. So, I'm pretty tired. I think I'm going to go lay in bed and read for now.
Thanks for reading, guys. I'm sorry for such a late update! *hugs you all* You're too wonderful!
YAY! So Tom's plane got in about half an hour late last night (causing his mother to go nuts with anxiety). But, he did come through the gates and we all hugged him individually, then had us one big group hug. ^____^ Right there. in the middle of the airport. XD
Nah, he hugged us all pretty hard *is still rubbing the sore spot on his shoulder*. X3
OMISQUEE~! He brought us all home gifts! He got me a picture of Nicolas Flamel's house (because I REALLY wanna see that place at least once in my life) And he also brought each of us a bottle of wine. WOOT! PLUS! I got THREE volumes of FullMetal Alchemist IN FRENCH!!! AWESOME! It's volumes 2,3, and 4. WOOOOOOT~! I was so excited! XD I might post pictures later... >_>
UWAH! Then, he, like... proposed to Niko, or something! YAYYYYYY~! *dances around, time for celebration!!!!* Here's the fun part: he proposed in Elvish. XD It was kinda neat. She said yes. :3 KYAAAAH~! X3
And, we're all still gonna go see Harry Potter tomorrow night... I HAS A DAAAAATE~!
Well, enough of me. It's best I go now. *hugs to all* Thanks for reading!!!
EDIT: Oh, that hairy-leg contest. XD
Angelo won. :P OH WELL! It was quite fun. And, he only beat me by, like, half a centimeter. X3
He said he'd still treat me to McDonald's sometime. :P