Hey, fellow Anime/Manga lovers! It's TheDarkAngel here! AKA Yosei! WooT!

So, here's my World Page designed especially for me. For those of you who aren't familiar with me, I'm an aspiring Manga-ka (at least in my own mind) and I enjoy many things in life, including, but not limited to: sword-fights, squirrels, lingual jokes, shiny rocks, and strawberries.

Also, I was born in Texas, but raised in Montana. No, I don't ride horses, or boil water over a campfire to heat it, and as a matter of fact, I hate Westerns! I don't have an accent (y'all) and I don't wear a ten-gallon cowboy hat with chaps. I'm a normal, everyday average citizen of America... who wishes he were somewhere else. XD I'm also agnostic, so don't come preaching to me about anything, okies? And, I won't throw you down a well, okies? Yay! Friends!!!

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"You have to be realistic about terrorism. Certain groups of people, certain groups, Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana, are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time."

~George Carlin

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Or, check out our DeviantArt page [Shiro-Jinja] that Angelo (Fai no Tenshi) and I share!

Well, hope you enjoy your visit and sayonara for now! ^_^

~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)

My current obsession:

testing sig:
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Are you effin' serious?!

(copied from Journal on DA):

Omigawds... today... omigawds.
Where to start? Let's see...
We had plans to head up to my grandparents' house today. So, I was up at freakin' 7:30am after getting to bed around 3am. (I blame ~RazingResonance and *SayaHimitsuzuki XDDD ) But, I napped later. ANYWAY.

We stop at the gas station in town and I get this random text, "Hello. My name's Cody and I'm new to [my hometown] and decided to text a random number in the area. Who's this?" I was like, "Hah, you got a college student. Welcome to [hometown]." Then, we texted back and forth for about an hour and I learned that he was 23, from Billings, and moved here to go to school next year. Anyway, he starts talking about his dick.
I fucking hate that. Why do men think they need to talk about their dicks? It's not the defining quality most women are looking for and it most certainly was NOT what I was interested in. Don't think he understood the whole... "I've got no bewbs" concept. So, I replied, "I don't much care for this topic." Then, he wanted to send me pics and was asking if it was ok. I replied, "Hell no. I'm pretty much married as it is. My boyfriend wants to be a doctor and he's already a weapon's expert. He could kill you before you even knew what was happening. I think you should stop texting me and try a new number. Good luck finding friends in [hometown]. By the way, hint hint, I'm a fucking GUY." After that, he quit texting me and I haven't heard from him. I'm glad he took the hint. Bastard.

Anyhoo, we showed up at my first grandparent's house around 10, 11-ish. My aunt and uncle were visiting and they'd brought two foreign exchange students with 'em who are in the states for a whole year. One, Marco, was from Estonia, and the other, Mario, was from Bolivia. They were pretty nice guys. We played a game of cribbage and they pwned me, with my grandpa's help. The old man likes to play so fast, I'm sure it counts as cheating. XDD Anyway, they were a couple of nice kids. Mario kept staring at me, though, and it was getting REALLY awkward... I was thinking, "Dude, there are other people here! Stop watching meeeeee! >^< "

After that, we went out to my other grandparents' house, about 15 miles south, and ate lunch there. My grandpa pulled out some little remote control helicopter he got for his birthday or something last year and my dad and his two brothers decided to play with it outside. Nothing like seeing 3 40-year-old-or-so men playing with a toy helicopter. XDD It was like watching a few little kids! Then, it got stuck on the roof when the wind picked up and they had to find a ladder to get it down. Had us all out there, watching. Like some side-show. XDDD

Anyhoo, I'm back home now and really tired. ^^;
That was my Saturday in a nutshell.
Although, my dog Skylar has been acting out of character all day and it's starting to worry me... I guess I'll see how it goes for a few days, then start worrying more...
Well, ja mata~!

Oh, herro, update.

Well, today wasn't bad.
Woke up this morning and it was FRIGID in my room, since I left my windows open last night and it rained alllll night. I didn't wanna get up and go to school. ^^;
But, I did. Reluctantly. Got tonight's homework done this morning while waiting for classes to start. I almost fell asleep in Geography (actually, I think I DID nod off once or twice. Kukuku... ) not because the class is boring, but the room is just exactly perfect for sleeping. It's rather dark, since they use a head-projector and slides, and it's relatively cool and quiet.
Then, I made sure to sit up front in Buddhism class so I wouldn't fall asleep, but I still had a hard time staying awake. Especially since the professor was going over things I knew already from having taken his Religions class last year. *sigh* And, there was a student who had his headphones on, but we could still hear his music like it was far away, y'know? THAT was probably what kept me awake, since it was like an annoying fly.
Afterwards, Japanese class. That was fun. Had a vocab quiz. I didn't study and still got 'em all right. Channa-chan would be proud. B3
Speaking of which. Jen. If you see this. I want the URL or whatever she said she'd have... unless she hasn't left the states yet and I can still text her... <.<;;;
Well, my homework's done. OFF TO RP~!


Well, F*** you, too, Today. F*** YOU!

So, went back to school yesterday. But, today kinda sorta sucked.
Yesterday, I completely forgot to go to The L******* Center, which was good, because if I HAD gone, I would've been there when someone's gun went off and someone got shot. I literally dodged that bullet.

Then, this morning, I find out that one of my favorite friends from Japanese class died last week in a car wreck. Gods, I'm gonna miss him. He was so skilled in the language, and he was the class clown, but he was so nice and polite to all of us. He always helped me out in class when I asked and I wish I could've shown better appreciation for it now. *sigh*

On top of that, I bought a Rixty card today, but the site says the card hasn't been activated. Makes me feel like I wasted $10, but we're sending in some complaints, Saya-chan and I. She's having the same problem.


Although, there WAS something that made me smile today.
A seriously obese student walked by today wearing a McDonald's T-shirt.
I know that it's kinda insulting and rude, but... it honestly made me smile. Honestly, I'm laughing at the IMAGE, not the actual person. It was nothing personal. XDD


RP's aren't always RP's.

We sometimes contemplate serious things, too. XDD Outside of our characters, I mean. Here's a piece... minus the actual RP that was going on. XDDD Shiro= me, TheDarkAngel Kaze= RazingPhoenix Ally= xoMiharuChanxo ...

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Last Day of Summer

Yep, today's my last day of Summer. It's back to college classes tomorrow. *sigh*

I don't wanna goooooo! ||||OTL

I wanna keep sleeping in and seeing the b/f and veggin' out while I job search and draw! Speaking of which, I have a pic today I need to finish. :3

Well, off I go, then. *hugs to all*

Pon Pon Pon... Way way...