SO, I keep seeing Hetalia related art and such all over dA and TheOtaku, so I decided to be smart li'l Otaku and go check it out.
I haven't laughed this hard, or this much with an anime since Lucky Star~! OMIGAWD! I love it!!! I'm already 15 episodes in and I'm so addicted!!! :iconlarryplz: I hope I can hop up on that bandwagon with the rest of you and join in on the Hetalia fun even though I know I'm a complete n00b! Is there room? :D
Uwah! I'm gonna go watch more now! I'm watching it at If anyone knows of a better site, let me know! *runs off to watch more*
OH! AND!!! I'm in TOTAL SHOCK!!! (o[]0")
OMIGAWD! You guys ROCK SO HARD!!! Nothing I could ever say would show how much I love you guys (platonically)!!! LOOK LOOK!
THANK YOU~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!