It's too hoooooot~~~

Wow... it's been a while since I've updated, hasn't it? I'M SORRY! I've been so busy with my personal life!

Tom's been home, YAY! Let's see... Thursday, I didn't get to see ANY of my friends. I ended up having to go to a Family get-together at my Uncle's house. It was alright. I was pretty bored, though, as everyone is either 20 years older than me, or at least 15 years younger. Remember, I'm 20, so... you do the math. Yeah. That, and I was having some tummy troubles, but I worked it out.

Friday, I spent the whole day with the date I was going to go to the movie with. As it turns out, it wasn't a girl. It was her brother she'd been asking me about. *sigh* Go figure, huh? But, he was a really nice guy. I think I might kinda like him... ;>_> Although, neither of us have really made any moves... And, some plans were ruined, so none of us went to the movie. So, the guy and I went down to a local restaurant for dinner and just hung out the whole time. It was a good time! ^_^

Yesterday, EVERYONE went to Tom's house for a barbecue. It was like a welcome-home party type of thing. Although, the heat got to me and I had more indigestion and pretty much passed out until the A/C came on. I fell asleep for about a half an hour. But, my friends were nice. They stayed nearby since they were playing video games anyway.
And, I got a sunburn on my shoulders. OWCHIES! >.<
Oh well. I have Aloe Vera! :D

Then, I was going to give the guy from Friday a ride home, but we decided to just stay the night at my house. That was fun. ;3
LOL! I kid! I kid! Really, it feels more like a friendship, even though I've been told he's crushing on yours truly. XD Nah, nothing's happened. Besides, even if anything had, I'd post it in my Personal Journal... :3

Well, that's enough of that. Today was okay. I stayed up 'til 5am this morning, my new friend and I hanging out, and didn't wake up again until 10am. So, I'm pretty tired. I think I'm going to go lay in bed and read for now.

Thanks for reading, guys. I'm sorry for such a late update! *hugs you all* You're too wonderful!

