Yosei Updates, Aug 15 2009
Went to the fair yesterday! Mah b/f was SMEXY~! We rode on the Sizzler and the Ferris Wheel and the Hurricane and ALL sorts of rides!!! :D And, Yosei had a carmel apple! *OM NOM NOM*
And, it rained, it poured! It DUMPED BUCKETS ON US!! Everyone was heading for the exhibits! XD
And Yosei's b/f did that challenge where you swing the hammer and hit the bell... HE HIT THE BELL~! KYAH! SO STRONG! <3<3<3 He won me a blow-up hammer that I kept smacking him around with, "Joo mah b*tch~!" >3
Then, I had Angelo over last night. :D We watched the FMA OVA DVD and played Pokemon. I has a Mew on my Diamond version! :D And I beat the Elite Four~! And, we didn't fall asleep 'til after 4am!!
But, he left around noon...
Then~! My b/f came over! YAY!! WE TOTALLY *censored bit of action* and it was new for the BOTH of us!!! XD X3
And, my parents come home tomorrow... I get the house ALL to myself tonight! :3 I get paranoid easily, so I'll probably fall asleep with the TV on.
Random ART!!
It's mah new banner for the SOS BRIGADE RP~! I hate drawing straight on the cpu, but today's *ahem* earlier events wore me out and I was lazy.
So, enjoy it.
Well, that's all for now. I'm extremely hyperrrrrr~! @___e
Thanks for reading! ^o^